HomeMy WebLinkAboutW & S Site Plan Version 1 Comments
Description: Mitchell Property Development Site Plan
Version 1
New Series Required: Yes □ No X
Check for Adequate Public Facilities:
Water X adequate □ inadequate
Sewer X adequate □ inadequate
The following comments shall be included as conditions of Site Plan approval for the
above-described project:
A portion of this project is located within the Perryman Wellhead Protection Area. As such,
development of this site is subject to Section 267-66 of the Zoning Code. There are prohibited
uses within the protection area. These are listed in the previously mentioned section of the Code.
All prospective purchasers and future tenants shall be advised of the limitations and standards
established by Section 267-66.
The proposed water main in Canning House Road shall be connected to the existing main
in Mitchell Road to provide a redundant water system to the region. A sixteen inch diameter water
main will be required to provide adequate service to the project. The proposed main must connect
directly to the sixteen inch main in Perryman Road, and the existing twelve inch diameter stub at
this location must be abandoned.
Since the proposed uses in the building on this site are not yet known, the location of the
meter setting and backflow preventer will be determined at the time of the Commercial Service
Application. If an inside meter setting is required, locate the water service connection at the
building to minimize the length of the unmetered private water service. If an outside meter is
required, it shall be located within a public drainage and utility easement.
The sewer service from each building to the public main shall connect at an existing
manhole using a gravity connection. Existing manholes 22, 25 and 26 of Sewer Contract 6692-A
are PVC lined. Connections made to these manholes must preserve the integrity of the lining.
The method of connections to the manholes shall be shown as a detail on the construction
A sampling manhole shall be installed on the sewer services at the edge of the public road
right of way for all lots except for Lot 6. If the connection to the sampling manhole is a force main,
the manhole shall have a factory installed PVC liner in it.
The public water and sewer mains and services for all of the lots shall be constructed as
a single contract. The contract numbers for this project are 20199 for water and 20200 for sewer.
The numbers shall be placed on the utility construction drawings before their initial submittal to
the county for review.
Any sewer cleanouts that are located within the paved area shall be installed using the
County cleanout in paving detail S-28. The detail shall be shown on the utility plan and referenced
on the plan and/or profile drawing.
Stormwater management devices may not be located within twenty feet of existing or
proposed water or sewer mains or services.
The construction contract numbers for the existing utilities shall be shown on the drawing
submitted with the Commercial Application.
A Public Works Utility Agreement (PWUA) is required for the construction of the public
water and/or sewer mains associated with this project prior to the issuance of a building permit.
A building permit cannot be issued until the public utilities that serve them are either operational
or bonded for construction. It is the developer’s/owner’s or their representative’s responsibility to
contact the Division of Water and Sewer, W&S Administration Section at
wspermits@harfordcountymd.gov to request the preparation of the PWUA following the submittal
of the water and sewer contract drawings for review.
A Commercial Service Application must be completed by the owner and approved by
Harford County before a building permit will be issued for each building or lot. Contact the Division
of Water and Sewer Administration and Permitting Section at 410-638-3300 for additional
Prepared by: Darryl W. Ivins ____ Date: 01/10/2022
Telephone - 410-638-3300
cc: Development File