HomeMy WebLinkAboutFire & EMS Site Plan & Preliminary Plan Version 1 comments (2) HARFORD COUNTY VOLUNTEER FIRE & EMS ASSOCIATION, INC. 343C Granary Road Forest Hill, Maryland 21050 410-638-4700 D.A.C. Meeting Date: Wednesday, January 19, 2022 D.A.C. Project Title: Mitchell Property Development – Preliminary Mitchell Property Development - Site Mitchell Property Development – Preliminary: No Comments Mitchell Property Development – Site:  All five (5) warehouses and the one (1) Retail/Service building will require Knox Key Boxes. Please contact Bill Snyder at wrsnyder@HarfordCountyPublicSafety.org to order box and identify box installation locations.  Building #1 & Building #2 shall have their addresses and business names clearly marked to identify their locations from both entrance points from Canning House Rd.  Any trail system on the property shall-be constructed to allow a pick-up truck sized vehicle to access. **The above bullet-ed statements are the only comments on the this project directly related to the plans presented**  Both the Department of Emergency Services and Aberdeen Fire Department have concerns about the overall road infrastructure in the Perryman area. 3094@bavfc.org Contact Information: Bill Snyder, 410-808-1347; Currently, tractor-trailers traveling to/from this site use Perryman Road and Rt.7 as the sole, main arteries to this area. Emergency apparatus also uses this access to Perryman area. There are also secondary access points from Mitchell Lane and Spetsutia Road but these create additional travel times. A secondary means of entry/exit to this area would reduce response times, and allow for secondary emergency access in case one of these roads is blocked. In fact, at a DAC Meeting dated 12/17/2014, I personally stated that a secondary entrance/exit point be constructed from Rt.715 to Woodley Rd to both relieve traffic back-ups, and to allow emergency apparatus a secondary mean of access to the Perryman area. Currently, this has not been completed and this project will further increase the traffic hazards and congestion in this area even more if there are not other road infrastructure improvements to this area. There is an additional project in the planning stages, by the City of Aberdeen, to add an additional 750,000sq feet of warehouses in the 1100blk of Rt.7. The Aberdeen Fire Department identifies that on Rt.7 between Rt.715 and Perryman Rd-circle, that tractor-trailers line-up along the side of the road waiting to enter the weigh-stations. This causes back-ups, traveling hazards, and increased response times. At this time, it is our stance that the City of Aberdeen, Harford County Government, State Highways, and developers work together to upgrade the overall road infrastructure in this area before any additional large, commercial complexes are built.  Harford County Department of Emergency Services and Aberdeen Fire Department have also met with community-representatives who have expressed their concerns about this project. We were presented with a map they have titled “Option-A”. Both Emergency Services and the Aberdeen Fire Department would support such an option as presented to us. 3094@bavfc.org Contact Information: Bill Snyder, 410-808-1347; We do not feel that the community’s safety is “compromised” but obviously, there is an increased chance of “bad things” happening simply because there is nothing there now but an open field. Emergency response times increase just as a citizen’s travel times increase whenever there is added buildings and general population. So yes, there will be increased response times, but to what degree I cannot say. Forest Green Rd & Clubhouse Rd @ Deep Spring Branch are prone to flooding. These 2 roads are 2/3 of the choices for the community to reach their homes. This also shows the need for increase road infrastructure. 3094@bavfc.org Contact Information: Bill Snyder, 410-808-1347;