HomeMy WebLinkAboutSHA Site Plan & Preliminary Plan Version 1 comments 320 West Warren Rd., Hunt Valley, MD 21030 | 410.229.2300 | 1.866.998.0367 | Maryland Relay TTY 800.735.2258 | roads.maryland.gov January 18, 2022 Mr. Moe Davenport, Chief Development Review Department of Planning and Zoning 220 S. Main Street Bel Air, Maryland 21014 Dear Mr. Davenport: Thank you for the opportunity to review the Site Plan and Preliminary Plan for the Mitchell Farm located on MD 159 in Harford County. The site and preliminary plans depict two proposed access points onto MD 159, Perryman Road. The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) has completed their review of the plan submittal below and is pleased to respond. Mitchell Farm Site Plan S629-2021 Preliminary Plan P628-2021 DAC Meeting February 19, 2022 SHA Tracking No. 21APHA021XX MD 159 Mile Post 2.20 Harford County An access permit will be required to construct the two proposed entrances, proposed frontage improvements on MD 159 as well as any off-site improvements. The MDOT SHA is currently reviewing the traffic impact study (TIS) prepared for this development. When comments become available, they will be forwarded to all interested parties. We will defer making specific requirements for the entrances and road improvements until our review of the TIS is complete. If there are any questions, please contact Ms. Teresa Eller via email at teller@mdot.maryland.gov. Sincerely, Wendy Wolcott, P.L.A. Metropolitan District Engineer Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration District 4 - Baltimore and Harford Counties cc: Mr. Alex Rawls, Harford County Planning Mr. Kimon Johnson, MDOT SHA District 4 Traffic Mr. John Vananzo, MDOT SHA District 4 Utilities Teresa Eller for,