HomeMy WebLinkAboutTIA635-2021-3 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE INTRODUCTION 1 EXHIBIT 1 SITE LOCATION MAP EXHIBIT 2A LANE CONFIGURATION (EXISTING & PLANNED) EXHIBIT 2B LANE CONFIGURATION (EXISTING & PROPOSED) EXISTING CONDITION 6 EXHIBIT 3A-B EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES BACKGROUND CONDITION 9 EXHIBIT 4 PROJECTED GROWTH RATES EXHIBIT 5 BACKGROUND DEVELOPMENT LOCATIONS EXHIBIT 6 BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES EXHIBIT 7A-B TOTAL BACKGROUND TRAFFIC VOLUMES FUTURE CONDITION 16 EXHIBIT 7C DIVERTED TOTAL BACKGROUND TRAFFIC (FOR CANNING HOUSE ROAD EXTENSION) EXHIBIT 8A-B SITE GENERATED TRAFFIC Î TRUCK TRIPS EXHIBIT 9A-B SITE GENERATED Î PASSENGER VEHICLES EXHIBIT 10A-B TOTAL SITE GENERATED TRAFFIC EXHIBIT 11A-B TOTAL FUTURE TRAFFIC VOLUMES INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS 27 33 QUEUING ANALYSIS SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS RESULTS 37 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 39 APPENDICES APPENDIX I - INTERSECTION CAPACITY CALCULATIONS I-A Î CRITICAL LANE VOLUME ANALYSES I-B Î HCS REPORTS I-C Î HCM 2000 REPORTS I-D Î SIMTRAFFIC REPORTS I-E Î SIDRA REPORTS APPENDIX II BACKGROUND TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION APPENDIX III TRAFFIC COUNT INFORMATION APPENDIX IV SCOPING LETTER APPENDIX V SITE TRIP DATA & PLAN APPENDIX VI SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS Î MD 159 AT SPESUTIA RD APPENDIX VII SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS Î MD 159 AT CHELSEA RD INTRODUCTION The June 2022 Mitchell Property Warehouse Traffic Impact Study was revised to address the August 11, 2022 Harford County comments and Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) comments dated July18, 2022 and August 16, 2022. Site Description & Access The developer proposes to construct a 5,200,000 gsf of warehouse on the F.O. Mitchell & Brothers property. The property address is 1714 Perryman Road. The property is situated on the west side of MD 159 (Perryman RD) and the property boundary begins south of Canning House Road and extends to Fords Lane. The subject property has direct access to Canning House Road and to MD 159. As shown on the site plan, Canning House would be relocated to intersect MD 159 north of its current location and will be extended to Chelsea Road. All site trips were assigned to this new road connection. Scope of Services The study was developed in accordance with the Harford County Adequate Public Facilities Ordinance and the Harford County Traffic Impact Study Guidelines. A scope of services document was developed by the County, which is included in the Appendix IV. The key intersections are listed below. Exhibit 1 shows the location of the site, the proposed Canning House Road extension and new connection to Chelsea Road, and the key intersections. US 40 EB Ramps @ MD 22 (Signalized) US 40 @ MD 132 (Signalized) US 40 @ MD 7/MD 159 (Signalized)US 40 @ MD 543 (Signalized) US 40 @ Spesutia Road (Signalized)MD 543 @ I-95 NB Ramps (Signalized) MD 543 @ I-95 SB Ramps (Signalized)MD 543 @ MD 7 (Signalized) MD 715 @ US 40 EB Ramps (Signalzied) MD 715 @ Old Philadelphia RD (Signalized) MD 159 (Old Phil. RD) @ MD 159 MD 7 @ Stepney Road (Unsignalized) (Perryman RD) (Roundabout) MD 159 @ Chelsea Road (Unsignalized) MD 159 @ Spesutia Road (Unsignalized) MD 159 @ Fords Lane (Unsignalized)MD 159 @ Canning House Road (Unsignalized) Chelsea Road @ Proposed Canning House Chelsea Road @ Woodley RD (Unsignalized) (Unsignalized) Road Extended 1 Study Methodology The key intersections were counted during the weekday morning (6:00 AM - 9:30 AM) and evening (3:00 PM Î 6:30 PM) peak hours. The key intersections were analyzed during the peak hour time periods under an existing, background, and the future traffic conditions. The intersection analysis methodologies are stated below. This study meets the County APFO standards by including analyses at all key intersections using the Critical Lane Volume (CLV) and Highway Capacity Manual software (HCS) methodologies. The HCS results are included at all key intersections, unless otherwise approved by Harford County. Additionally, the signalized key intersections and the non-standard unsignalized intersections were analyzed with Synchro model. The Synchro model results were reported with HCM methodology, which is represented as Version HCM 2000. This methodology was requested by MDOT SHA and is accepted by Harford County. Finally, roundabout intersections were analyzed using the Sidra Intersection method. The results are listed in the following tables and the detailed calculations are included in Appendix I. Vehicle queuing analyses were conducted at signalized intersections, as directed by the County. The SimTraffic queues from the Synchro model were also reported. th The Institute of Transportation Engineers', Trip Generation Manual, 11 Edition (ITE Manual) was used to determine the background and the future peak hour trips. The total future traffic volumes are described with the following formula: Total Future Traffic = (Existing Traffic + Growth in Existing Traffic + Approved Development Traffic + Site Generated Traffic) 2 3 4 5 EXISTING CONDITION The existing traffic condition was established with intersection turning movement counts that were conducted at the key intersections in March, 2022. This existing traffic data determines the baseline intersection levels of service. Study Exhibits 2A and 2B display the existing intersection lane use, improvements planned by others, and improvements proposed by the developer. The peak hour volumes are shown on Exhibits 3A and 3B. The existing intersection conditions diagrams and the existing intersection turning movement counts are included in Appendix III. Traffic Data Revisions Study revisions to the existing traffic counts include a September 7, 2022 count conducted at the Woodley Road @ Chelsea Road intersection. Also, thirteen- hour counts were conducted at the MD 159 @ Chelsea Rd/MD 159 intersection and at the MD 159 @ Spesutia Road intersection for a Signal Warrant Analysis. Truck Data Truck percentages at the key intersections were determined with 24-hour traffic count data, conducted by Traffic Concepts, Inc. and with MDOT SHA data. The MDOT SHA data was used to determine the heavy truck percentages along roadways outside of the Perryman Peninsula. The September 2022 counts conducted by Traffic Concepts, Inc. determined the heavy truck percentages along MD 159 (Perryman Road), south of the roundabout and along Chelsea Road, north of Woodley Road. The TIS was revised with heavy truck percentages, as shown on the table below. The 24-hours counts and the MDOT SHA traffic data are provided in Appendix III. STATE ROADWAY CLASSIFICATION Peak Hour % of Heavy Trucks 1 MD 543MinorArterial12% 1 US 40 Principal Arterial10% MD 159 (Old Phil. RD)Minor ArterialUse 10% (No Data Available) MD 7 Minor ArterialUse 10% (No Data Available) 1 MD 132MinorArterial5% 1 MD 22PrincipalArterial5% MD 715 Minor ArterialUse 10% (No Data Available) 2 MD 159 (Perryman RD)Major Collector15% Source: 1. MDOT SHA Data & 2. Traffic Concepts, INC Data 6 7 8 BACKGROUND CONDITION The background condition evaluates the key intersections with the existing intersection volumes and with the total background peak hour trips. The background trips consist of trips generated by a traffic growth rate and trips generated by nearby developments that are approved, but are not completed. Growth Rates The required Harford County growth rate of 2.2 percent was applied to the key intersection volumes and was compounded over 5-years. Five years represents the project build-out period. The peak hour trips generated by the growth rates are shown on Exhibit 4. Background Developments Harford County DPZ identified fourteen (14) nearby developments that could impact the key intersections. The locations of these developments are shown on Exhibit 5. The background developments and the resulting background peak hour trips are shown below. All background trips were generated with the ITE th Manual 10 E dition. AM PM IN OUT IN OUT 1.Abingdon Addition (ITE LUC 210) 20 sfu 5 14 14 8 2.Beech Creek Estates (ITE LUC 220) 15 thu 2 6 7 4 3.Hollywoods (ITE LUC 220) 250 condos 26 88 84 49 6.Woodlawn (ITE LUC 210) 103 sfu 20 58 66 39 TOTAL BACKGROUNDS 3 & 6: 46 146 150 88 4.Monarch Glen 1 sfu (ITE LUC 210) 0 1 1 0 15 thu (ITE LUC 220) 2 6 7 4 5.Redlief Run 26 sfu (ITE LUC 210) 6 17 18 10 TOTAL BACKGROUNDS 4 & 5: 8 24 26 14 9 AM PM IN OUT IN OUT 7.999-1041 Old Philadelphia Rd (Cranberry Run Ph II) * Distribution Center Î per ksf 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.07 691.6 ksf 41 14 28 48 8.Abingdon Business Park (Lots 1-3) * Distribution Center Î per ksf 0.06 0.02 0.04 0.07 2,064.8 ksf 124 41 83 145 9.Belcamp Commercial Î Lots 1 & 2** Total New Trips 85 78 78 66 10.Capital Exports ITE Land Use Code 840 8.0 ksf 11 4 18 10 11.Crossroads Community Church Î 13.72 ksf house of worship*** 12.James Run**** 13.LEMS Contrating Company, Inc. Î 8.8 ksf retail trade service*** 14.Riverside Business Park Î Lot 36 ITE Land Use Code 150 242.94 ksf 41 13 15 42 *Harford County peak hour distribution center rates were used. ** Belcamp Commercial trips were copied directly from the approved TIS. The current plan, approved by Harford County, represents a trip reduction of the total site trips analyzed in the TIS. Excerpts of the approved TIS are included in Appendix II. *** The peak hour trips, approved by the County, for these projects are accounted for with the projected growth rates. **** The James Run site trips approved by the County are included are included in Appendix II. The background development trips were distributed and assigned to the key intersections using the approved Harford County trip distribution patterns. The combined background peak hour trip assignment is provided on Exhibit 6. The distribution and assignment for each background development are provided in Appendix II. 10 11 12 13 14 15 FUTURE CONDITION The future condition evaluates the impact that the new site generated peak hour trips have on the existing key intersections and the proposed new road connection labeled Canning House Road (Extended) between MD 159 and Chelsea Road. Proposed Road Connection As shown on the current site plan, the existing Canning House Road intersection at MD 159 will be eliminated. The developer will realign Canning House Road through the subject property to create a new intersection at MD 159, north of its current location. Canning House Road (extended) would be constructed by the developer and would span the distance from MD 159 to Chelsea Road. As stated, all new site generated trips were assigned to this new road connection. This new roadway is designed as a main south to north thoroughfare connection in order to bypass the Perryman residential community along MD 159. This roadway is also designed with no residential and or commercial access points to encourage public use. Signage will be installed at the proposed site access and along MD 159 in order to direct passenger car and trucks to use the new public road. Due to the proposed signage directing traffic to use the new Canning House Road connection, the majority of diverted trips are outbound trips. The diverted trips include two-thirds of the existing (local) northbound through traffic diverted to Chelsea Road via Canning House Road extended, as shown on Exhibit 7C (Diverted Total Background Traffic for Canning House Road Extension). A portion of the existing (local) southbound MD 159 traffic may use this new connection from Chelsea Road to MD 159. However, the study represents all existing (local) southbound MD 159 traffic using MD 159, which includes a right turn movement in order to continue south along MD 159. Therefore, no local southbound MD 159 trips were diverted to Chelsea Road to Canning House Road (extended). 16 Site Generated Trips The developer proposes to construct warehouse buildings with a gross floor area of 5,200,000 s.f. The weekday peak hour trips associated with this project are shown below and were generated with data contained in the ITE Trip Generation th Manual 11 E dition. AM PM IN OUT IN OUT High Cube Fulfillment Center Warehouse ITE LUC 155 5,200,000 gsf 632 148 324 508 Trucks Trips (30%) 190 44 97 152 Passenger Vehicles (70%) 442 104 227 356 The site generated truck trips are shown on Exhibits 8A and 8B and Exhibits 9A and 9B show the site generated passenger car trips. The total combined site generated trips are shown on Exhibits 10A and 10B. The diverted traffic (Exhibit 7C) and combined site trips (Exhibits 10A & 10B) were added to the total background traffic volumes (Exhibits 7A & 7B) to obtain total future traffic volumes as shown on Exhibits 11A and 11B. 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 INTERSECTION CAPACITY ANALYSIS The following tables show the key intersection analysis results for the existing, background, and future traffic conditions using the required analysis methodologies. The detailed calculations are included in Appendix I. CRITICALLANEVOLUMEANALYSISΑAMPEAKHOUR EXISTINGBACKGROUNDFUTURE KEYINTERSECTIONS CLV/LOSCLV/LOSCLV/LOS 1:I95SBRamps@MD5431119/B1093/B1206/C 664/A886/A906/A 2:I95NBRamps@MD543 612/A847/A917/A 3:MD543@MD7 577/A694/A754/A 4:MD7@StepneyRoad 604/A741/A877/A 5:US40@MD543 688/A684/A*802/A* 6:US40@SpesutiaRoad 735/A872/A929/A 7:US40@MD7/MD159 616/A713/A800/A 9:US40@MD132 778/A875/A889/A 10:US40EBRamps@MD22 168/A188/A268/A 11:MD715@US40EBRamps 376/A424/A508/A 12:MD715@OldPhiladelphiaRd 790/A491/A*916/A* 13:MD159@SpesutiaRoad 836/A836/A1377/D 14:MD159@ChelseaRoad 15:ChelseaRd@Proposed 824/A CanningHouseRd(Extended) 391/A391/A391/A 16:ChelseaRd@WoodleyRd 143/A143/A52/A 17:MD159@FordsLane 137/A137/A739/A 18:MD159@CanningHouseRd (Relocated) *IncludesplannedCountySpesutiaRoadimprovements,asrequiredbyHarfordCounty. 27 CRITICALLANEVOLUMEANALYSISΑPMPEAKHOUR EXISTINGBACKGROUNDFUTURE KEYINTERSECTIONS CLV/LOSCLV/LOSCLV/LOS 1:I95SBRamps@MD5431084/B1008/B1132/B 1062/B1230/C1301/D 2:I95NBRamps@MD543 828/A1108/B1241/C 3:MD543@MD7 1082/B1319/D1368/D 4:MD7@StepneyRoad 811/A984/A1250/C 5:US40@MD543 818/A762/A*942/A* 6:US40@SpesutiaRoad 695/A839/A892/A 7:US40@MD7/MD159 853/A981/A1025/B 9:US40@MD132 849/A956/A1007/B 10:US40EBRamps@MD22 568/A639/A639/A 11:MD715@US40EBRamps 408/A479/A563/A 12:MD715@OldPhiladelphia 584/A584/A987/A 13:MD159@SpesutiaRoad 588/A589/A1096/B 14:MD159@ChelseaRoad 15:ChelseaRd@Proposed 824/A CanningHouseRd(Extended) 660/A660/A660/A 16:ChelseaRd@WoodleyRd 159/A159/A159/A 17:MD159@FordsLane 666/A 18:MD159@CanningHouseRd166/A166/A (Relocated) *IncludesplannedCountySpesutiaRoadimprovements,asrequiredbyHarfordCounty. SIDRAROUNDABOUTANALYSISAMPEAKHOUR EXISTINGBACKGROUNDFUTURE KEYINTERSECTION DELAY/LOSDELAY/LOSDELAY/LOS 8:MD159@OldPhiladelphiaRd6.0/A6.4/A12.7/B SIDRAROUNDABOUTANALYSISPMPEAKHOUR EXISTINGBACKGROUNDFUTURE KEYINTERSECTION DELAY/LOSDELAY/LOSDELAY/LOS 5.9/A6.3/A10.5/B 8:MD159@OldPhiladelphiaRd 28 NUALSOFTWARE(HCS):SIGNALCONTROLAMPEAKHOUR HIGHWAYCAPACITYMA EXISTINGBACKGROUNDFUTURE KEYINTERSECTIONS Delay/LOSDelay/LOSDelay/LOS 1:I95SBRamps@MD543*32.7/C26.2/C31.0/C 2:I95NBRamps@MD543*11.4/B20.8/B20.0/B 3:MD543@MD7*27.6/C29.2/C29.3/C 4:MD7@StepneyRoad10.3/B**10.2/B** 5:US40@MD54312.1/B13.0/B13.3/B 6:US40@SpesutiaRoad16.9/B25.3/C***27.8/C*** 7:US40@MD7/MD15929.8/C31.4/C32.2/C 9:US40@MD13223.6/C24.6/C26.3/C 10:US40EBRamps@MD2216.3/B18.0/B18.2/B 11:MD715@US40EBRamps3.7/A3.7/A3.7/A 12:MD715@OldPhiladelphia23.8/C24.1/C25.0/C HIGHWAYCAPACITYMANUALSOFTWARE(HCS):SIGNALCONTROLPMPEAKHOUR EXISTINGBACKGROUNDFUTURE KEYINTERSECTIONS Delay/LOSDelay/LOS0elay/LOS 1:I95SBRamps@MD543*37.2/D30.5/C37.1/D 2:I95NBRamps@MD543*18.0/B23.6/C25.9/C 3:MD543@MD7*29.2/C34.5/C45.8/D 4:MD7@StepneyRoad12.9/B**13.9/B** 5:US40@MD54316.7/B18.6/B20.8/C 6:US40@SpesutiaRoad23.6/C30.0/C***32.4/C*** 7:US40@MD7/MD15932.8/C33.9/C34.5/C 9:US40@MD13231.2/C34.0/C36.6/D 10:US40EBRamps@MD2215.4/B16.4/B17.9/B 11:MD715@US40EBRamps11.3/B11.9/B11.2/B 12:MD715@OldPhiladelphia21.0/C21.5/C22.8/C *TheseintersectionsareonlyanalyzedintheSynchromodelasrequiredbyMDOTSHAforall studiesduetotheextensiveoverlappingimprovementsandcoordinationofthesesignalized intersections. **IncludesCapitalProjectimprovementwithtrafficsignalcontrol. ***IncludesplannedCountySpesutiaRoadimprovements. 29 HIGHWAYCAPACITYMANUALSOFTWARE(HCS):STOPCONTROLAMPEAKHOUR FUTURE EXISTINGBACKGROUND (withImprovements) KEYINTERSECTIONSDelay/LOSDelay/LOS Delay/LOS 4:MD7@StepneyRoad EBLeftMD78.4/A WBL/TMD78.5/A NBApproachΑL/T/R29.1/D SBApproachΑL&T/R18.7/C 13:MD159@SpesutiaRoad 433.9/F EBApproachΑL/T&R23.5/C23.5/C (38.0/E*) WBApproachΑR9.2/A9.2/A9.7/A NBLeftMD1598.3/A8.3/A10.4/B SBLeftMD1597.7/A7.7/A7.9/A 14:MD159@ChelseaRoad 79.7/F EBApproachL/R29.6/D29.6/D (28.5/DwithMDT) NBLeftMD1599.6/A9.6/A13.5/B 15:ChelseaRd@Proposed CanningHouseRdExtended EBApproachΑL&R22.2/C NBLeftΑChelseaRd12.0/B 16:ChelseaRd@WoodleyRd WBApproachΑL&R9.4/A9.4/A9.4/A SBLeftΑChelseaRd8.2/A8.2/A8.2/A 17:MD159@FordsLane EBApproachL/R9.5/A9.5/A9.0/A NBL/TMD1597.3/A7.3/A7.3/A 18a:MD159@CanningHouseRd EBApproachL/R9.5/A9.5/A NBL/TMD1597.3/A7.3/A 18b:MD159@CanningHouseRd (Relocated/Extended) EBApproachΑLeft&Thru/R12.5/B WBApproachΑL/T/R17.1/C NBLeftMD1597.3/A SBLeftMD1597.4/A *IncludesimprovementsdescribedintheConclusions.Rightturnheadwayfactorreducedforfreerightturn movement;however,HCMdoesnotaccuratelymodelandcalculatethefreerightturndelay. 30 HIGHWAYCAPACITYMANUALSOFTWARE(HCS):STOPCONTROLPMPEAKHOUR FUTURE EXISTINGBACKGROUND (withImprovements) KEYINTERSECTIONSDelay/LOSDelay/LOS Delay/LOS 4:MD7@StepneyRoad EBLeftMD711.6/B WBL/TMD78.0/A NBApproachΑL/T/R47.6/E SBApproachΑL&T/R36.9/E 13:MD159@SpesutiaRoad 36.9/E EBApproachΑL/T&R12.8/B12.8/B (26.3/D*) WBApproachΑR10.0/A10.0/A12.9/B NBLeftMD1598.7/A8.7/A11.9/B SBLeftMD1598.0/A8.0/A9.0/A 14:MD159@ChelseaRoad 87.9/F EBApproachL/R21.5/C21.5/C (13.9/BwithMDT) NBLeftMD1598.4/A8.4/A9.6/A 15:ChelseaRd@Proposed CanningHouseRdExt(MDT) EBApproachΑL&R34.2/D NBLeftΑChelseaRd8.7/A 16:ChelseaRd@WoodleyRd WBApproachΑL&R11.7/B11.7/B11.7/B SBLeftΑChelseaRd8.3/A8.3/A8.3/A 17:MD159@FordsLane EBApproachL/R10.1/B10.1/B9.7/A NBL/TMD1597.6/A7.6/A7.6/A 18a:MD159@CanningHouseRd EBApproachL/R9.7/A9.7/A NBL/TMD1597.6/A7.6/A 18b:MD159@CanningHouseRd (Relocated/Extended) EBApproachΑLeft&Thru/R15.6/C WBApproachΑL/T/R9.8/A NBLeftMD1597.6/A SBLeftMD1597.4/A *IncludesimprovementsdescribedintheConclusions.Rightturnheadwayfactorreducedforfreerightturn movement;however,HCMdoesnotaccuratelymodelandcalculatethefreerightturndelay. 31 HIGHWAYCAPACITYMANUAL(HCM2000):SIGNALCONTROLAMPEAKHOUR EXISTINGBACKGROUNDFUTURE KEYINTERSECTIONS Delay/LOSDelay/LOSDelay/LOS 1:I95SBRamps@MD54332.7/C26.2/C31.0/C 2:I95NBRamps@MD54311.4/B20.8/B20.0/B 3:MD543@MD727.6/C29.2/C29.3/C 4:MD7@StepneyRoad9.7/A*10.0/A* 5:US40@MD5439.7/A13.0/B15.7/B 6:US40@SpesutiaRoad17.4/B16.1/B**22.7/C** 7:US40@MD7/MD15925.6/C31.1/C33.9/C 9:US40@MD13218.3/B19.7/B20.6/C 10:US40EBRamps@MD2210.0/B10.7/B11.1/B 11:MD715@US40EBRamps2.5/A2.6/A2.6/A 12:MD715@OldPhiladelphia13.4/B13.8/B14.3/B HIGHWAYCAPACITYMANUAL(HCM2000):SIGNALCONTROLPMPEAKHOUR EXISTINGBACKGROUNDFUTURE KEYINTERSECTIONS Delay/LOSDelay/LOS0elay/LOS 1:I95SBRamps@MD54337.2/D30.5/C37.1/D 2:I95NBRamps@MD54318.0/B23.6/C25.9/C 3:MD543@MD729.2/C34.5/C45.8/D 4:MD7@StepneyRoad19.2/B*19.5/B* 5:US40@MD54315.6/B20.4/C35.6/D 6:US40@SpesutiaRoad43.6/D19.3/B**26.1/C** 7:US40@MD7/MD15926.4/C42.5/D52.2/D 9:US40@MD13224.4/C31.1/C32.7/C 10:US40EBRamps@MD2210.8/B12.7/B15.0/B 11:MD715@US40EBRamps6.6/A7.4/A7.2/A 12:MD715@OldPhiladelphia13.1/B13.9/B17.0/B *IncludesCountyCapitalPlanimprovementforsignalization. **IncludesplannedCountySpesutiaRoadimprovements,asrequiredbyHarfordCounty. 32 QUEUING ANALYSIS Î SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS - HCM A queuing analysis was conducted at the signalized key intersections, with exclusive left turn lanes. Unless noted, the Highway Capacity Manual software (HCS) back-of-queues are listed for the background future traffic conditions. The detailed calculations are included in Appendix I. BACKGROUNDFUTURE THTH 95Percentile95Percentile SITE STORAGE HCSHCS (ft)ADDS(ft) Queue(ft)Queue(ft) AM(PM)AM(PM) 1:I95SBRamps@MD543** 2:I95NBRamps@MD543** 3:MD543@MD7** 4:MD7@StepneyRoad * EBLeft33(154)34(175) 175 * SBLeft71(56)71(56) 150 5:US40@MD543 WBLeftΑUS40158 199(333)264(608)450 NBLeftΑMD543* 97(205)97(205) Continuous 6:US40@SpesutiaRoad*** EBLeftΑUS40* 3(10)3(10)350 WBLeftΑUS40* 25(47)25(47)400 * NBLeft&L/T/RSpesutia214(406)260(586) Continuous 7:US40@MD7/MD159 * EBLeftΑUS4019(56)19(56) 350 * WBLeftΑUS4043(55)43(55) 300 * NBLeftΑMD15947(86)94(237) 400 * SBLeftΑMD7408(241)408(241) 775** 9:US40@MD132 8 EBLeftΑUS4060(202)60(210) 200 * WBLeftΑUS409(16)9(16) 185 0 NBLeftΑAPGRd86(119)86(119) 100 0 SBLeftΑMD13275(212)75(212) 150 *Thislanehasadequatestorage. **TheseintersectionsareonlyanalyzedintheSynchromodelasrequiredbyMDOTSHAforall studiesduetotheextensiveoverlappingimprovementsandcoordinationofthesesignalized intersections.SimTrafficqueuesarereportedatthisintersection. ***IncludesplannedCountySpesutiaRoadimprovements(detailedonExhibits2A&2B),as requiredbyHarfordCounty. 33 BACKGROUNDFUTURE THTH 95Percentile95Percentile SITE STORAGE HCSHCS (ft)ADDS(ft) Queue(ft)Queue(ft) AM(PM)AM(PM) 10:US40EBRamps@MD22 EBLeftΑN.RogersSt138(296)157(372)Continuous* NBLeftΑMD2228(40)28(40)215* 11:MD715@US40EB Ramps EBLeftΑUS40EBRamps74(19)74(19)300* SBLeftΑMD7158(11)8(11)150* 12:MD715@Old Philadelphia EBLeftΑOldPhila50(62)76(147)200* WBLeftΑOldPhila139(30)140(31)300* NBLeftΑMD7154(30)4(30)275* SBLeftΑMD71513(17)13(17)60* *Thislanehasadequatestorage. 34 QUEUING ANALYSIS Î SIGNALIZED INTERSECTIONS - SimTraffic The MDOT SHA required that all of the signalized key intersections must be th included in the Synchro model. Therefore, the SimTraffic 95 Percentile Back-of- Queue results for the background and future traffic conditions are listed below. A future condition with improvements analysis was modeled that includes a second westbound right turn lane along MD 7 at MD 543. The detailed calculations are included in Appendix I. BACKGROUNDFUTUREFUTUREIMP THTHTH 95Percentile95Percentile95PercentileSTORAGESITE SimTrafficSimTrafficSimTraffic(ft)ADDS Queue(ft)Queue(ft)Queue(ft)(ft) AM(PM)AM(PMAM(PM) 1:I95SBRamps@MD543 176(195)* WBLeft/Thru129(175)116(210) Continuous 423(336)* NBLeft364(339)413(356)800 2:I95NBRamps@MD543 273(404)* EBLeft/Thru267(409)284(383) Continuous 238(382)* SBLeft303(460)345(470)575 3:MD543@MD7 EBLeft173(233)* 213(174)204(188)200 WBLeft153(160)* 154(105)151(123)430 WBRight 142(343)865 NBLeft118(484)123 134(291)140(403)280 SBLeft378(346)* 354(323)376(367)575 4:MD7@StepneyRoad 71(166)* EBLeft61(145)66(147) 175 76(92)* SBLeft75(93)82(118) 150 5:US40@MD543 WBLeftΑUS40260(558)84 199(366)247(534)450 NBLeftΑMD543109(160)* 109(154)114(176) Continuous *Thislanehasadequatestorage. 35 BACKGROUND FUTURE 95 TH Percentile95 TH PercentileSTORAGE SITE SimTrafficSimTraffic(ft)Storage ADDS(ft) Queue(ft)Queue(ft)(ft) AM(PM)AM(PM 6:US40@SpesutiaRoad** EBLeftΑUS409(28)* 9(37)400 WBLeftΑUS4063(76)* 55(74)360 136(275) NBLeft&L/T/RSpesutia122(198)* Continuous 7:US40@MD7/MD159 42(93) EBLeftΑUS4039(84)340* 72(84) WBLeftΑUS4070(89)300* 105(223) NBLeftΑMD15972(123)400* 344(221) SBLeftΑMD7325(218)775* 9:US40@MD132 EBLeftΑMD132106(298)123(322)Continuous* 99(123) WBLeftΑAPGRd95(118)110**** 129(295) NBLeftΑUS40116(286)2009 38(81) SBLeftΑUS4075(46)185* 10:US40EBRamps@MD22 150(287) EBLeftΑN.RogersSt143(227)Continuous* 70(196) NBLeftΑMD2276(141)215* 11:MD715@US40EB Ramps 33(49) EBLeftΑMD71541(48)150* 78(43) NBLeftΑUS40EBRamps77(51)300* 12:MD715@Old Philadelphia 37(33) EBLeftΑMD71537(40)275* 17(77) WBLeftΑMD71521(59)260* 67(104) NBLeftΑOldPhila50(69)200* 105(52) SBLeftΑOldPhila116(56)305* *Thislanehasadequatestorage. **IncludesplannedCountySpesutiaRoadimprovements(detailedonExhibits2A&2B),asrequired byHarfordCounty. ***BasedontheSimTrafficqueuesfromAPGRoad,theheavierleftturnvolumeutilizethe continuousstoragewithoutblockingthethroughandrightturnmovements. 36 SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS RESULTS Signal warrant analyses were conducted at the MD 159 at Spesutia Road and MD 159 at Chelsea Road intersections. The warrants were tested for the existing and the future traffic volumes. Future traffic volumes include the existing traffic and the new site trips using ITE diurnal curve data. ITE does not provide data for LUC 155; therefore, we used the ITE diurnal curve data for LUC 154 (High-Cube Transload and Short-Term Storage Warehouse). The warrant results are provided on the following tables and details of the individual warrant tests are included in the study appendix. TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT SUMMARY MD 159 AT SPESUTIA RD WARRANTSEXISTINGFUTURE 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular VolumeNOT SATISFIED NOT SATISFIED A-Minimum Vehicle Volume(met 0 of the required 8 hrs) (met 3 of the required 8 hrs) 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume NOT SATISFIED NOT SATISFIED B-Interruption of Continuous (met 0 of the required 8 hrs) (met 1 of the required 8 hrs) Traffic 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular VolumeNOT SATISFIED NOT SATISFIED -Combination of Warrants(A: met 0 of the required 8 hrs) (A: met 7 of the required 8 hrs) 1A & 1B (B: met 0 of the required 8 hrs) (B: met 1 of the required 8 hrs) NOT SATISFIED SATISFIED 2-Four-Hour Vehicular Volume (met 0 of the required 4 hrs) (met 10 of the required 4 hrs) NOT SATISFIED NOT SATISFIED 3-Peak Hour (met 0 of the required 1 hour) (met 0 of the required 1 hour) 4-Pedestrian VolumeNOT SATISFIEDNOT SATISFIED 5-School CrossingNOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE 6-Coordinated Signal SystemNOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE 7-Crash ExperienceNOT SATISFIEDNOT SATISFIED 8-Roadway NetworkNOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE 9-Intersection Near A Grade NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE g Crossin 37 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT SUMMARY MD 159 AT CHELSEA RD WARRANTSEXISTINGFUTURE 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular VolumeNOT SATISFIED NOT SATISFIED A-Minimum Vehicle Volume(met 3 of the required 8 hrs) (met 5 of the required 8 hrs) 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume NOT SATISFIED SATISFIED B-Interruption of Continuous (met 4 of the required 8 hrs) (met 13 of the required 8 hrs) Traffic 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular VolumeNOT SATISFIED SATISFIED -Combination of Warrants(A: met 11 of the required 8 hrs) (A: met 11 of the required 8 hrs) 1A & 1B (B: met 6 of the required 8 hrs) (B: met 13 of the required 8 hrs) NOT SATISFIED SATISFIED 2-Four-Hour Vehicular Volume (met 3 of the required 4 hrs) (met 12 of the required 4 hrs) NOT SATISFIED SATISFIED 3-Peak Hour (met 0 of the required 1 hour) (met 4 of the required 1 hour) 4-Pedestrian VolumeNOT SATISFIEDNOT SATISFIED 5-School CrossingNOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE 6-Coordinated Signal SystemNOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE 7-Crash ExperienceNOT SATISFIEDNOT SATISFIED 8-Roadway NetworkNOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE 9-Intersection Near A Grade NOT APPLICABLE NOT APPLICABLE Crossing 38 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS The Harford County APFO standards require signalized intersections located within the development envelope to operate at a level of service "D" or better and all unsignalized intersections located within the development envelope to operate with a side road minor approach level of service of ÐDÑ or better. If the traffic study determines an intersection is rated ÐEÑ or lower, than the developer needs to mitigate only the new site generated trips. Intersection Capacity Results From a Critical Lane Volume (CLV) analysis standpoint, all key intersections would operate with acceptable levels of service during the future traffic conditions. The future HCS analyses show the MD 159 at Spesutia Road and the MD 159 at Chelsea Road intersections would operate with deficient delays. MD 159 @ Spesutia Road The analysis contains the County planned improvements that includes widening of Spesutia Road that creates a shared left/thru and a channelized right turn lane with 200 feet of dedicated storage. With these County improvements, the HCS results show a level of service ÐFÑ (433.9 sec/veh) during the future AM peak hour and an ÐEÑ (36.9 sec/veh) during the future PM peak hour, along the Spesutia Road approach at future traffic conditions. Mitigation: A signal warrant analysis was conducted at this intersection, which determined the major warrants were not met for signal control under the existing or the full build out traffic conditions. However, in order to alleviate any concerns that MDOT-SHA may have regarding this intersection, the Developer agrees to prepare an updated traffic signal warrant analysis after occupancy of each building. If the analysis shows a signal is warranted, the Developer will design and install the traffic signal upon MDOT-SHA and Harford County approval. Ultimately, if the installation of a traffic signal is not approved by MDOT- SHA, the County will require other mitigation options. A roundabout was considered at this intersection. However, due to right-of-way constraints, a roundabout large enough to service large trucks could not be constructed. 39 As such, the DeveloperÓs alternative mitigation plan is to construct the following geometric improvements. The existing right turn lane from Spesutia Road to MD 159 will be widened and channelization markings added to encourage right turning traffic to flow without stopping. Also, the existing small median along southbound MD 159 will be removed to provide a wider left turn lane for trucks turning into the private property across from Spesutia Road. This lane will also be extended to provide a longer queue area for trucks without blocking southbound vehicles along MD 159 passing through the intersection. The existing channelized median on the private leg of the intersection will be cut back to improve the turning radius for large vehicles entering the property. Field observations show that these intersection modifications will improve the flow of traffic and shorten delay times for the left turning vehicles from northbound MD 159 and eastbound Spesutia Road. A conceptual mitigation plan is included in the revised TIS. An HCM analysis was conducted to show the additional impact of the Developer improvements, and the improved operation of the free channelized right turn movement from Spesutia Road. However, HCM does not accurately calculate the free right turn delay. The base critical right turn headway factor for the Spesutia Road right turn movement was reduced to model the benefits resulting from the geometric improvements along MD 159 that encourage the free right turn movement. (HCM defines the critical headway Ðthe minimum time interval in the major street that allows intersection entry to one minor street vehicleÑ.) As shown in the HCM results tables, the analysis with these improvements show an ÐEÑ approach LOS (38.1 sec/veh) during the AM peak hour and a ÐDÑ approach LOS (26.3 sec/veh) during the PM peak hour along Spesutia Road. MD 159 @ Chelsea Road The results of the HCM analyses show an ÐFÑ along the MD 159 (minor street) approach LOS during the future AM and PM peak hours. Consequently, a signal warrant analysis was conducted for the existing and future traffic volumes. Warrants were met for only the future traffic conditions for Warrant 1 (Eight-Hour Volume), Warrant 2 (Four-Hour Volume), and Warrant 3 (Peak Hour Volume). 40 Mitigation: In order to alleviate any concerns that MDOT SHA may have regarding this intersection, the Developer agrees to prepare an updated traffic signal warrant analysis after occupancy of each building. If the analysis shows a traffic signal is warranted, the Developer will design and install the traffic signal upon MDOT-SHA and Harford County approval. If the installation of a traffic signal is not approved by MDOT SHA, the County will require other mitigation options. As such, the DeveloperÓs alternative mitigation plan is to construct a Maryland T intersection to improve delay along the northbound MD 159 left turn movement onto Chelsea Road. A Maryland T intersection, depicted on the concept plan, would provide acceptable delays at this intersection. The HCS minor approach LOS and delays are improved to an acceptable ÐDÑ LOS during the AM peak hour (28.5 seconds per vehicle of delay) and a ÐBÑ LOS during the PM peak hour (13.5 seconds per vehicle of delay). MD 7 @ Spesutia Road A capital project is established at this intersection and funds are available for the design and construction of a traffic signal at this intersection. As such, the intersection was evaluated with a traffic signal under the background and future traffic conditions. The signal control creates acceptable future levels of service. However, while there are funds available for this intersection if the installation of a traffic signal is not approved by MDOT SHA, other mitigation options must be considered and identified. Therefore, the developer will extend the southbound Stepney Road left turn lane to provide 25-feet of additional storage plus deceleration and taper. Since a capital project is established, the developer will place in escrow the cost to design and construct the stated geometric improvement. Access Improvements - Chelsea Road @ Canning Couse (Extended) The Canning House and Chelsea Road intersection is planned as a Maryland T intersection. The HCS analysis shows a minor approach level of service ÐCÑ during the future AM peak and a level of service ÐDÑ during the future PM. 41 Queuing Analysis Results The queuing analysis results determined the site would create queue storage deficiencies at the following intersections. - MD 543 at MD 7: NB MD 543 Left Turn Storage - MD 543 at MD 7: WB MD 7 Right Turn - US 40 at MD 543: WB MD 543 Left Turn Storage - US 40 @ MD 132: NB US 40 Left Turn Storage MD 543 @ MD 7: Mitigation: As shown on the table, the site adds 123 feet to the northbound MD 543 left turn lane. Therefore, the developer will extend the northbound MD 543 left turn storage area by 123 feet of storage. Additionally, in order to improve the overall intersection operation, the developer will construct a second westbound right turn lane along MD 7. This improvement was analyzed with the Synchro model (future with improvements). This improvement will be bonded by this Developer if not already bonded by others at the time of use and occupancy. BACKGROUNDFUTUREFUTUREIMP THTHTH 95Percentile95Percentile95PercentileSTORAGESITE SimTrafficSimTrafficSimTraffic(ft)ADDS Queue(ft)Queue(ft)Queue(ft)(ft) AM(PM)AM(PMAM(PM) a5ЎЍЌθa5А NBLeft118(484)123 134(291)140(403)280 US 40 @ MD 543 Mitigation: As shown on the table, the site adds 158 feet to the westbound US 40 left turn lane. Therefore, the developer will extend the westbound US 40 left turn storage area by 158 feet of storage. BACKGROUNDFUTURE TH Percentile TH Percentile 9595 SITE STORAGE HCSHCS (ft)ADDS(ft) Queue(ft)Queue(ft) AM(PM)AM(PM) {ЍЉθa5ЎЍЌ WBLeftΑUS40158 199(333)264(608)450 42 US 40 @ MD 132 Mitigation: As shown on the table, the site adds 9 feet to the northbound US 40 left turn lane. Therefore, the developer will extend the northbound US 40 left turn storage area by the length of on vehicle or 25 feet. BACKGROUND FUTURE 95 TH Percentile95 TH PercentileSTORAGE SITE SimTrafficSimTraffic(ft)Storage ADDS(ft) Queue(ft)Queue(ft)(ft) {ЍЉθa5ЊЌЋ AM(PM)AM(PM 129(295) NBLeftΑUS40116(286)2009 Based on results of this study and the proposed traffic mitigation, the developer meets the APFO standards. Therefore, we request approval of the proposed warehouse project from a traffic impact standpoint. 43 APPENDIX I-A CRITICAL LANE VOLUME ANALYSIS APPENDIX I-B HC REPORTS APPENDIX I-C HCM 2000 REPORTS APPENDIX I- SIMTRAFFIC REPORTS APPENDIX I- SIDRA REPORTS APPENDIX II BAGKROUND TRAFFIC DISTRIBUTION APPENDIX III TRAFFIC COUNT INFORMATION PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 543 @ I-95 SB RAMP COUNTY: HARFORD COUNT BY:DATE: CAMERAMARCH 29, 2022 WEATHER:DAY: CLEARTUESDAY MD 543MD 543I-95 SB OFF RAMP NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRUUTRNTHRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRUUTRNTOTAL AM 6:00-6:15165180847901844372 6:15-6:301773208512502126448 6:30-6:4516536011298028110450 6:45-7:0014955011211903509479 7:00-7:15182108011186025015527 7:15-7:30157960138123039014567 7:30-7:4516811801387603426542 7:45-8:0016011701669504807593 8:00-8:1514495013878044117517 8:15-8:3013277014480044017494 8:30-8:451929401276402919516 8:45-9:00126800986504238422 1318801034902419405 9:00-9:15 9:15-9:30108720802801819316 PEAK HRPHF 7:00-8:00667439055338001462420.94 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:1517714307431032017474 3:15-3:3017617208634038017523 3:30-3:4522022106932036010588 3:45-4:0021318108724043014562 4:00-4:1517723119628029015577 4:15-4:3018127207934040013619 4:30-4:4518625908622049116619 4:45-5:0018224709017027012575 5:00-5:1520024806046047016617 5:15-5:3016821409432028024560 5:30-5:45154205011037034014554 5:45-6:00161175010226028017509 14215809131024022468 6:00-6:15 6:15-6:3013516008627021016445 PEAK HRPHF 4:15-5:157491026031511901631570.98 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\ENTER JO PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 543 @ I-95 NB RAMP COUNTY: HARFORD COUNT BY:DATE: CAMERAMARCH 29, 2022 WEATHER:DAY: CLEARTUESDAY MD 543MD 543I-95 NB OFF RAMP NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUND SIGNAL FREE THRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRUUTRNLEFTTHRU TIMETOTAL RIGHTRIGHT AM 6:00-6:1518027889011124101441 6:15-6:3021114790031033100486 6:30-6:45162151091030240109459 6:45-7:001772899203332578445 7:00-7:1525235229203813081551 7:15-7:30220191210304332791518 7:30-7:45251192011905424093598 7:45-8:002261412138048439115596 8:00-8:151913517152051146123616 8:15-8:301962113141050136111569 8:30-8:45248121212903723085555 8:45-9:00155141310604713493463 9:00-9:1517827911004113589490 9:15-9:3015716710103112890431 PEAK HRPHF 7:30-8:308648962550020381614420.97 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:1524447197809002576579 3:15-3:3026229111240101137112677 3:30-3:45303486128013403090739 3:45-4:00317311699011602787693 4:00-4:15297212491011403087664 4:15-4:3035638189511512993745 4:30-4:453404611104010103792731 4:45-5:003015317980113033100715 5:00-5:153534711930106035108753 5:15-5:302933891010119220103685 5:30-5:45250319121011903093653 5:45-6:0021218111180124035112630 6:00-6:15190226124011003088570 6:15-6:3020724610909903286563 PEAK HRPHF 4:15-5:15135018457390043511344160.98 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\ENTER JO PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 7 @ MD 543 COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:DATE:MARCH 29, 2022 CAMERA WEATHER:DAY:TUESDAY CLEAR MD 543MD 543MD 7MD 7 NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNTOTAL AM 6:00-6:157847069139801926130216890479 6:15-6:303110120651741901627200314730536 6:30-6:457118170722232203340230519660645 6:45-7:001011280601981702633220215940597 7:00-7:159142130601599047452002241230653 7:15-7:3010114906519912035512205231000645 7:30-7:4512112110711731203951130334920623 7:45-8:0010138120972071702930150528950683 8:00-8:157981101022031603539190525950655 8:15-8:3014103809219310028531802329770648 8:30-8:45231471906815412016291602721850617 8:45-9:0018851907916116011281902529650555 9:00-9:1579280561141901635120432850480 9:15-9:304888061701401740170340640426 PEAK HRPHF 7:30-8:30434514203627765501311736503611635900.95 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:15241725056117150273132013341010627 3:15-3:303412313076158210314226012661320734 3:30-3:454916728078159120393024010641690829 3:45-4:003918636088147180243822015461351795 4:00-4:15471582208313120027471208871760818 4:15-4:30361651205914818041341405901940816 4:30-4:454019217074140110423513010701860830 19045492109721650822 4:45-5:0030158200100134 5:00-5:155015618093112110403715010701841797 5:15-5:30281511407614115036453506551620764 5:30-5:45261171209617340139553108571230778 5:45-6:00211091608816027017562428491190696 6:00-6:1524110190791443103133180954890641 6:15-6:3024120150681362302946170745840614 PEAK HRPHF 4:00-5:001536737103165536801551656003231972100.99 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3762 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 7 @ STEPNEY RD COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAMERA DATE:MARCH 31, 2022 WEATHER:OVERCAST DAY:THURSDAY STEPNEY RDSTEPNEY RDMD 7MD 7 NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL AM 6:00-6:150001601868000713194 6:15-6:301002001768400624194 6:30-6:4500118013910200626211 6:45-7:00000190271013200786272 7:00-7:15000130201379008510220 7:15-7:30000121331210800809255 7:30-7:450001501916121008210263 7:45-8:00100150312214000805294 10103001129273 8:00-8:1500019020 8:15-8:3000011024910200855236 8:30-8:45001100262012300757262 8:45-9:00000200151310700787240 9:00-9:1500010022127800897218 9:15-9:30000140251270108211215 PEAK HRPHF 7:15-8:151006111036047200354330.92 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:150019027251021014522332 3:15-3:30002612431850017025344 3:30-3:45000402121973019528369 3:45-4:00000902827810017927351 4:00-4:150001302231910022130408 4:15-4:30000903228801022530405 4:30-4:450111202431940121028402 4:45-5:00100402524770020630367 5:00-5:15101702836870021329402 28862017619350 5:15-5:301017030 5:30-5:450001302327771015018309 5:45-6:00200603224930113112301 6:00-6:150001002430740010214254 6:15-6:30000621531630010816241 PEAK HRPHF 4:00-5:00111380103114342118621180.97 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\ PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:US 40 @ MD 543 COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:DATE:MARCH 29, 2022 CAMERA WEATHER:DAY:TUESDAY CLEAR MD 543US 40US 40 NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNTOTAL AM 6:00-6:1514106126170311000394 6:15-6:3013160154160421070492 6:30-6:4517180208320401220599 6:45-7:002119218333047920568 7:00-7:1532130141230461090481 7:15-7:3030150150340361150515 7:30-7:4530144156300411180519 7:45-8:0047128183380431210560 8:00-8:1545166133280341450551 8:15-8:3052131121300571030494 8:30-8:4540165135280371240529 8:45-9:0044142152340351220529 9:00-9:152181119340431290427 9:15-9:3040779933037910377 PEAK HRPHF 6:30-7:3010065268212201694380.90 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:154297123320761700540 3:15-3:303192143540861860592 3:30-3:4577115124600991960671 3:45-4:0060126173580802100707 4:00-4:1547101119460902200623 4:15-4:303473138500972050597 4:30-4:453776204580882210684 4:45-5:002687157510942080623 5:00-5:1535791663601022020620 5:15-5:302497186550852140661 5:30-5:452182145560531700527 5:45-6:003187157450571280505 6:00-6:152082136470431060434 6:15-6:30209911031046920398 PEAK HRPHF 3:45-4:4517837663421203558560.92 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3762 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:US 40 @ SPESUTIA RD COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:DATE:MARCH 31, 2022 CAMERA WEATHER:DAY:THURSDAY OVERCAST SPESUTIA RDACCESSUS 40US 40 NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNTOTAL AM 6:00-6:1552020004119104078921380 6:15-6:3041060040171130078300442 6:30-6:45540500111791600158900504 6:45-7:00620700322421830108830600 7:00-7:155301000020037029700390 7:15-7:3045050001213360811100419 7:30-7:4544060010268341813400496 7:45-8:0038030000245411512300456 8:00-8:1526070000240371212530441 8:15-8:3031090000206300610600388 8:30-8:4516080000206361513601409 8:45-9:0023080000198541715000441 9:00-9:1513070000165220713000344 9:15-9:30180310001732111015500382 PEAK HRPHF 6:15-7:152100190083792510034357300.81 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:159001200011605401419900530 3:15-3:30990610111575701019400526 3:30-3:4512201020011787322017700585 3:45-4:00940610021759411515800546 4:00-4:15600920021634531118810484 4:15-4:30800121030162451923820553 4:30-4:4563092021182521922500546 4:45-5:0050051001184443423400526 0001483821217800477 5:00-5:1592061 5:15-5:30410600001704121219300465 5:30-5:4541060000148480913900391 5:45-6:0030090000168620712500401 6:00-6:15370101000143495912700381 6:15-6:30370720001443801012520365 PEAK HRPHF 3:00-4:004050344015670278359728000.93 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3762 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:US 40 @ MD 7/MD 159 (OLD PHILADELPHIA RD)COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:DATE:MARCH 29, 2022 B. SMITH; M. ROSEN WEATHER:DAY:TUESDAY CLEAR MD 159MD 7US 40US 40 NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNTOTAL AM 6:00-6:1512626418601121411289743413 6:15-6:309629614421852506111451506 6:30-6:4511779921421701601099500496 6:45-7:00464144264526828011130581689 7:00-7:1571169310601921408113710531 7:15-7:307731008732521006134761614 7:30-7:4591341247812772005155700693 7:45-8:0086318312842462906127680700 8:00-8:155132147103523212010153871680 8:15-8:3047214312622021105100822578 8:30-8:459661307262267310155701638 8:45-9:001081116291032212616192803706 9:00-9:15111068811331881206162795584 9:15-9:3017316511891461517193810557 PEAK HRPHF 7:15-8:1529391255437261310077102756930120.96 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:152328586914516015152381600749 3:15-3:3015249825920183120132551862815 3:30-3:451837107298713813082432163782 3:45-4:00151677410121021019082462280855 4:00-4:15142847485620912262282240820 4:15-4:3018142529682067232662190812 4:30-4:45101898785719542142302575851 4:45-5:001917558477198152172321770758 110719813162032430784 5:00-5:151616268 5:15-5:30151176166131987041821461657 5:30-5:45812680681317910061531581640 5:45-6:00564717661937051801303623 6:00-6:1513996385514111081441161533 6:15-6:30119454656168150101501013542 PEAK HRPHF 3:45-4:455776222873528318204263197092850.98 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\ENTER JO PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:US 40 @ MD 132 COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:DATE:MARCH 29, 2022 CAMERA WEATHER:DAY:TUESDAY CLEAR APG RDMD 132US 40US 40 NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNTOTAL AM 6:00-6:1515128129125870115021287 6:15-6:3093124235137860116591338 6:30-6:451927101431110250122040425 6:45-7:001725220482110441116050390 7:00-7:151291315456229850116640405 7:15-7:3022515114352410841316650403 7:30-7:45188112044327100210165142415 7:45-8:0021892744933111504131153420 8:00-8:15163111074722871123195111426 8:15-8:301871017248269060713571374 8:30-8:452110111863825123412153130425 8:45-9:00177823332351261011129200412 9:00-9:15173142255519101121414481406 9:15-9:301677142473196101413591380 PEAK HRPHF 7:15-8:157724466819174106406224106574560.98 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:15223732654632232603210234676 3:15-3:302812338959492001807171170611 3:30-3:4532104391056531962005192142633 3:45-4:00221610451248502241312183120638 4:00-4:152221636965741973536153112640 4:15-4:301713829674621911606169152608 4:30-4:451992331671572152404152130615 4:45-5:002592441574672241404199322711 1764522411417185120654 5:00-5:15218725 5:15-5:30211010461377481961803180160638 5:30-5:45281410241174421801815167171592 5:45-6:00137523653531861407173141555 6:00-6:15181112141056511871703124123518 6:15-6:30213712956441982418133172535 PEAK HRPHF 4:30-5:3086362114861286224876701187167320.92 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3762 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 22 @ US 40 RAMPS (SIGNALIZED)COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAMERA DATE:MARCH 29, 2022 WEATHER:OVERCAST DAY:TUESDAY MD 22MD 22N.ROGERS STUS 40 RAMPS NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL AM 6:00-6:151842171882148316 6:15-6:30103124319121660391 6:30-6:4594629130292570500 6:45-7:00205727335292966509 7:00-7:15104823550242474465 7:15-7:30175223932282673467 7:30-7:45176629833352880557 7:45-8:00185934457152698617 8:00-8:15173222448242062427 8:15-8:3020472064318966409 8:30-8:45258421644341960482 8:45-9:00167619951352388488 9:00-9:15204114145411685389 9:15-9:30185113051361266364 PEAK HRPHF 7:00-8:006222511161721021043250.85 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:1528131152636616101557 3:15-3:302211813760741290513 3:30-3:452118514545511987553 3:45-4:0038228125446612106619 4:00-4:151927815268651498694 4:15-4:302923915547582395646 4:30-4:453232213944531891699 4:45-5:002324513841772092636 5:00-5:152521613050772998625 5:15-5:302017412937588104530 5:30-5:452311412640621478457 5:45-6:00281151483452692475 6:00-6:1513431325448783380 6:15-6:30103812152641374372 PEAK HRPHF 4:00-5:001031084584200253753760.96 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3657 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 715 @ US 40 EB RAMP COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAMERA DATE:MARCH 31, 2022 WEATHER:OVERCAST DAY:TUESDAY MD 715MD 715US 40 EB OFF RAMP NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL AM 6:00-6:15211221141380161 6:15-6:3013741531136206 6:30-6:4525613238115217 6:45-7:0017742938200295 7:00-7:152718141312148232 7:15-7:3018166179153219 7:30-7:45361562715181280 7:45-8:00271032314209286 8:00-8:1542872515175272 8:15-8:303616102120153256 8:30-8:45571371929138263 8:45-9:0034139826131221 PEAK HRPHF 7:30-8:30141492696647180.96 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:150000000 3:15-3:3011421513221176 3:30-3:4518128147525260 3:45-4:001372948736221 4:00-4:1522222125324288 4:15-4:3022819125227293 4:30-4:4526517610627331 4:45-5:002191875615270 5:00-5:15207181111919275 5:15-5:30152554623195 5:30-5:4514916371925219 5:45-6:00102146102025177 PEAK HRPHF 4:00-5:0093476372517930.89 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3657 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 715 @ OLD PHILADELPHIA RD COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:DATE:MARCH 31, 2022 CAMERA (B.SMITH) WEATHER:DAY:THURSDAY OVERCAST CAM MD 715MD 715OLD PHILA RDOLD PHILA RD NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRURIGHTUTRNLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL AM 6:00-6:151191201764062589454190 6:15-6:30310402144308351126582293 6:30-6:45183031241308337196914293 6:45-7:0001340321070726926557354 7:00-7:15028305145309341136404290 7:15-7:3011640515240718427286255 7:30-7:4513470417210736231238291 7:45-8:00118701719150722852293341 8:00-8:1513780518680510932203286 8:15-8:3043480715680725742166282 8:30-8:45551150214850719818347263 8:45-9:00628705133004206162610227 9:00-9:15232120210030923318194193 9:15-9:302258029630615325238189 PEAK HRPHF 6:15-7:15459140136232603212838107222270.87 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:15214721053830115552357331 3:15-3:3071202001264010631064711325 3:30-3:45717830032240957534311372 3:45-4:00413518012530858134615317 4:00-4:15924424032320632182316391 4:15-4:30721537042250636092712380 4:30-4:4582622902253074023308419 4:45-5:00419321073020732253319355 5:00-5:157184340225507311172811352 5:15-5:304135170328304220112915271 5:30-5:45118814032420239418269240 5:45-6:0078027022710017122271212 6:00-6:1549622031720619216325224 6:15-6:30384280323204314202813243 PEAK HRPHF 4:00-5:002891411101610012026140525113550.92 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\ 3762 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 159 @ FORDS LN COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAMERA DATE:MARCH 31, 2022 WEATHER:OVERCAST DAY:THURSDAY MD 159MD 159FORDS LN NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL AM 6:00-6:15028210132 6:15-6:30028621037 6:30-6:45034700041 6:45-7:00028200030 7:00-7:15037700044 7:15-7:30034600040 7:30-7:45038702047 7:45-8:000301502047 8:00-8:150241000034 8:15-8:300281101040 8:30-8:450161501032 8:45-9:000232310047 9:00-9:150141610031 9:15-9:301211512040 PEAK HRPHF 7:00-8:000139350400.95 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:150162313043 3:15-3:300253500060 3:30-3:450102900140 3:45-4:001163400051 4:00-4:150162911148 4:15-4:300182400042 4:30-4:450172710045 4:45-5:001152312042 5:00-5:150254102068 5:15-5:300193210052 5:30-5:450173200049 5:45-6:000244911075 6:00-6:150173010048 6:15-6:300141700031 PEAK HRPHF 5:00-6:000851542300.81 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3657 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 159 @ CANNING HOUSE RD COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAMERA DATE:MARCH 31, 2022 WEATHER:OVERCAST DAY:THURSDAY MD 159MD 159 CANNINGHOUSE RD NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL AM 6:00-6:15021307031 6:15-6:30023426035 6:30-6:450205213040 6:45-7:00021018030 7:00-7:150224313042 7:15-7:300255212044 7:30-7:450234110038 7:45-8:0002210610048 8:00-8:15015726030 8:15-8:30024644038 8:30-8:45011543023 8:45-9:00014554028 9:00-9:15110854028 9:15-9:30011838030 PEAK HRPHF 7:00-8:0009223124500.90 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:15072046037 3:15-3:300142549052 3:30-3:451720153046 3:45-4:000102276045 4:00-4:150917115042 4:15-4:300101461031 4:30-4:451131986047 4:45-5:000101694039 5:00-5:1501727116061 5:15-5:3001218126048 5:30-5:450921107047 5:45-6:0001726184065 6:00-6:15082082038 6:15-6:300101811030 PEAK HRPHF 5:00-6:0005592512300.85 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3657 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 159 @ SPESUTIA RD COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAMERA DATE:MARCH 31, 2022 WEATHER:OVERCAST DAY:THURSDAY MD 159MD 159SPESUTIA RDACCESS NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL AM 6:00-6:1533360553273103007249 6:15-6:30372701503123108004245 6:30-6:453535086912141165002341 6:45-7:005628012657195153001346 7:00-7:153640062157931017163 7:15-7:303825072524430106142 7:30-7:453931092344626006148 7:45-8:002531082587328019145 8:00-8:1522200102414428006119 8:15-8:302826041302326007109 8:30-8:451026042325720003100 8:45-9:00282401030165410015160 9:00-9:15152103212422100695 9:15-9:301924043020225003109 PEAK HRPHF 6:00-7:0016112602623724521252900140.85 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:15876405332630460011275 3:15-3:307856034281057008253 3:30-3:4513567083073072005327 3:45-4:004445084663295008257 4:00-4:1569351425810570117218 4:15-4:306733022552242034185 4:30-4:45633601124661350410196 4:45-5:004732173062033031162 5:00-5:1568300729115138006195 5:15-5:302725082442634149144 5:30-5:453523142473442029154 5:45-6:0035141730421061004168 6:00-6:1535340425336400313166 6:15-6:303833041841234004138 PEAK HRPHF 3:00-4:003442320241514710227000320.85 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3657 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:MD 159 @ CHELSEA RD COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAMERA DATE:MARCH 31, 2022 WEATHER:OVERCAST DAY:THURSDAY CHELSEA RDMD 159MD 159 NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL AM 6:00-6:150411406231211 6:15-6:300401337270207 6:30-6:4513622010320299 6:45-7:000572317280323 7:00-7:150324510460133 7:15-7:300264410370117 7:30-7:450243612460118 7:45-8:000283717330115 8:00-8:15117351524092 8:15-8:30019301033092 8:30-8:45020232016079 8:45-9:000244426280122 9:00-9:15018251817078 9:15-9:300263918190102 PEAK HRPHF 6:00-7:0011747243011010.80 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:1501354831191234 3:15-3:3001056432270228 3:30-3:4511908328160318 3:45-4:000709742250234 4:00-4:151724537330188 4:15-4:301742836241164 4:30-4:450722735260160 4:45-5:001593927211148 5:00-5:152712345270168 5:15-5:300312732201111 5:30-5:451402642201130 5:45-6:000273556223143 6:00-6:151433032270133 6:15-6:300543421170126 PEAK HRPHF 3:00-4:0015002921338710.80 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3657 PEAK HOUR TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT INTERSECTION:CHELSEA RD @ WOODLEY RD COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAMERA DATE:SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 WEATHER:OVERCAST DAY:WEDNESDAY CAM CHELSEA RDCHELSEA RDWOODLEY RD NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL AM 6:00-6:1518028127010183 6:15-6:30163419906165 6:30-6:452008233116152 6:45-7:0013012649011199 7:00-7:15100292101070 7:15-7:3010010190544 7:30-7:457016180546 7:45-8:00826241849 8:00-8:1513010181951 8:15-8:30717210743 8:30-8:458010160539 8:45-9:0012010180848 9:00-9:1510010210041 9:15-9:301608160646 PEAK HRPHF 6:00-7:006732773081430.88 TOTALS PM 3:00-3:1511301921143197 3:15-3:307513334079222 3:30-3:453803521057151 3:45-4:006805913039179 4:00-4:157701015016118 4:15-4:30330101801071 4:30-4:45260324258113 4:45-5:00530931013106 5:00-5:1549041602089 5:15-5:302412431020100 5:30-5:4521314461140225 5:45-6:002702744028126 6:00-6:15241143101484 6:15-6:3020111340975 PEAK HRPHF 3:00-4:0029411468912180.84 TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3762 24-HOUR CLASSIFIED COUNT SUMMAR Y LOCATION:MD 159 (S. of MD 159 Roundabout)COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAM DATE:SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 WEATHER:OVERCAST/RAIN DAY:WEDNESDAY NB MD 159SB MD 159 TOTAL NB & SB ALLHVALLHVALLHV% HV TIME HOURLY 1884030733 6:00-7:00 AM 4957315% 2394015133 7:00-8:00 AM 3907319% 1473614738 8:00-9:00 AM 2947425% 1524514141 9:00-10:00 AM 2938629% 1554514651 10:00-11:00 AM 3019632% 1843517959 11:00 AM -12:00 PM 3639426% 1734918558 12:00-1:00 PM 35810730% 2004219045 1:00-2:00 PM 3908722% 2435022549 2:00-3:00 PM 4689921% 3833925348 3:00-4:00 PM 6368714% 2642318937 4:00-5:00 PM 4536013% 2853123937 5:00-6:00 PM 5246813% 1603117029 6:00-7:00 PM 3306018% 1042611422 7:00-8:00 PM 2184822% 1273413130 8:00-9:00 PM 2586425% 82258825 9:00-10:00 PM 1705029% 95249019 10:00-11:00 PM 1854323% 73204218 11:00 PM - 0:00 AM 1153833% 70283517 0:00-1:00 AM 1054543% 29183316 1:00-2:00 AM 623455% 72205222 2:00-3:00 AM 1244234% 80343613 3:00-4:00 AM 1164741% 1072910818 4:00-5:00 AM 2154722% 1002423938 5:00-6:00 AM 3396218% 371278834907967202158422% 24 HR TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3762 24-HOUR CLASSIFIED COUNT SUMMAR Y LOCATION:CHELSEA ROAD, JUST N. OF WOODLEY RD COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAM DATE:SEPTEMBER 7, 2022 WEATHER:OVERCAST/RAIN DAY:WEDNESDAY NB SB TOTAL NB & SB CHELSEA RDCHELSEA RD ALLHVALLHVALLHV% HV TIME HOURLY 110958514 6:00-7:00 AM 695233% 721414322 7:00-8:00 AM 2153617% 822211018 8:00-9:00 AM 1924021% 862211719 9:00-10:00 AM 2034120% 831811131 10:00-11:00 AM 1944925% 1382012728 11:00 AM -12:00 PM 2654818% 1302313630 12:00-1:00 PM 2665320% 1582313524 1:00-2:00 PM 2934716% 2353112527 2:00-3:00 PM 3605816% 5122523538 3:00-4:00 PM 747638% 2981712025 4:00-5:00 PM 4184210% 3461820616 5:00-6:00 PM 552346% 1272026419 6:00-7:00 PM 3913910% 67195413 7:00-8:00 PM 1213226% 63195815 8:00-9:00 PM 1213428% 56194715 9:00-10:00 PM 1033433% 8020589 10:00-11:00 PM 1382921% 32102810 11:00 PM - 0:00 AM 602033% 11117289 0:00-1:00 AM 1392619% 426238 1:00-2:00 AM 651422% 12584012 2:00-3:00 AM 1652012% 905294 3:00-4:00 AM 11998% 180921310 4:00-5:00 AM 393195% 16163847 5:00-6:00 AM 545132% 33844003376423676082312% 24 HR TOTALS TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3762 PENNSYLVANIA D D O F E T N I H T W CH I CN 24 V 4.51 / 2.87 R L L E 6.21 / 3.1 R 4.83 / 1.65 S CH 165 W H HI AT RKE INF S O CH CH CH D 136 623 23 R D CH 136 LEGEND R 8.6 / 3.09 5.36 / 2.19 Y P CH E L 624 IL V L E 8.37 / 0.98 E P S T C O CH L 646 Interstate Highway 95 6.02 / 1.68 S E T I O R O RD N 3.48 / 0.7 CH US Highway 1 623 CH A L 165 IL H 5.62 / 3.25 R 10 D D 1 URD R 5.07 / 3.85 CO N W State Highway I NG 8.97 / 2.06 O 8 D IN R Y CH O 543 CH 440 5.8 / 1.9 CHCH L 439161 9972Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) R R E D 9.11 / 1.68 6.63 / 2.98 D A CH 136 E Percent Single Units Class 4-7/ G O 7.6 / 2.2 5.83 / 2.01 Y TRO Percent Combination Units Class 8-13 10 5.74 / 0.95 1 W N L O EO CH 6.55 / 1.84 N 138 K I SI VOP R ID LC R D CH 12.97 / 1.09 23 CH 146 CH D 161 R D L D E L CH CH 9.6 / 1.82 N 165 24 S S A P 7.69 / 1.49 9.88 / 2.17 R 7.15 / 1.69 R 7.58 / 2.84 CH B A 1.54 / 0.32 JR 543 L E 10 W RV 4.68 / 1.82 BE BUSOYLE E K 1 RH LA M 95 SD S T 10 1 CH L T CH 23 H WE SY 152 E 2.01 / 1.09 EL W OO CR UD K L CH 6.45 / 4.22 S CH 1.51 / 0.83 TD 146155;: RRI R CH IR SO D 155 N S SU 0.86 / 0.11 P E 3.34 / 0.39 R G O CH 3.38 / 1.03 B 9.62 / 2.7 T 156 BUSE 5.13 / 0.41 E E D R 10 NL RL G VE 1 YHTSO AC R RUO 2.33 / 0.28 H WDC IST 1.66 / 0.8 DT A U 2.32 / 0.482.17 / 0.39 L O BEL AIR OO 5.75 / 1.18 V 3.82 / 0.68 E RR CH 22 N DST 2.8 / 0.76 3.92 / 0.58 HI U RK CH C H CH S 10 VA TRUCK VOLUME MAP 22 IL L 462 L E 40 CH FU A P 165 LA 8.36 / 2.22 L CH I SN 7 T 3.16 / 16.62 O N 3.82 / 1.39 D NRV 2018-2020 DL IRD 10 B S CH TA 1 I D 924 H P RR L E E ED A ANNUAL AVERAGE DAILY TRAFFIC MNLT BI H I 10 PO LRA BRD 40 5.84 / 1.131.45 / 0.14 EEN I AT EN 3.24 / 0.34.03 / 0.76 WR 4.13 / 0.97 ;: U RW HARFORD DA Y E CH L A CH 152 R BUS 22 3.54 / 3.15 CH A 136 V 10 CH E D R 1 BE 132 3.65 / 2.09 CH O CH 95 2.2 / 0.21 DV 543 ABERDEEN 132 R E COUNTY L B M DA R OE L 3.97 / 0.53 F E 10 3.17 / 0.53 VD W 6.08 / 15.43 A AL 1.39 / 0.2 I 40 H H P A E S A 2.54 / 0.29 MARYLAND 6.22 / 1.73 NDMaryland R S CH D House 5.57 / 2.07 715 CH 3.92 / 1.41 543 E M CH O;:POPULATION 244,826 (2010) 147 OR UI H R CH 24 11.19 / 25.13 10 4.62 / 7.33 1 5.27 / 3.83 H 10 PREPARED BY THE W 40 Y DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION 6.08 / 6.83 2.84 / 0.92 L A I R O CH E ABERDEEN 152 CH STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION 924 A 4.7 / 2.05 M CH RY 159 D R R ;:P 6.69 / 15.58 IN COOPERATION WITH THE K F 6.66 / 10.67 J U.S. DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION D R CH FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION 7 BE ;: D 95 A I AH P PROVING 5.33 / 2.54 MAP SCALE H I 1:100,000 Y W H LKI 4.74 / 0.75 S A UL P 101234 E 3.51 / 0.74 M MILES 10 40 R T CH O A 152 CH 24 CH 755 4.75 / 1.44 O R D GROUND PUBLISHED: 2021 D 35.8 / 1.23 2.72 / 0.1 LAMBERT CONFORMAL CONIC PROJECTION THE CULTURAL FEATURES SHOWN ON THIS MAP ARE FOR LOCATING PURPOSES ONLY AND MAY NOT REFLECT ACTUAL CONDITIONS. THIS MAP WAS CREATED USING MARYLAND STATE PLANE COOR-DIGITAL COPIES OF THIS MAP ARE AVAILABLE FOR PUBLIC DINATE 50,000 FOOT GRID VALUES BASED ON THE 1983 NORTHUSE FROM MDOT SHA BY AMERICAN DATUM (NAD) TICKS.VISITING OUR WEB SITE AT WWW.ROADS.MARYLAND.GOV DISCLAIMER: THE DATA AND RELATED MATERIALS CONTAINED HEREIN ARE PROVIDED 'AS IS' AND WERE CREATED TO MEET A SPECIFIC BUSINESS NEED OF THE MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION STATE HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION (MDOT SHA). ANY OTHER USE, WHILE NOT PROHIBITED, IS THE SOLE RESPONSIBILITY OF THE USER WHO SHALL ASSUME ALL LIABILITY REGARDING THE FITNESS OF USE OF THE INFORMATION. KEY MAP HARFORD COUNTY12 c 2011 3/44!0!1/39 P M MTU J 6/86!0!2/29 4/93!0!1/79 OTU 4/:3!0!1/69 U 9/47!0!3/33 4/27!0!27/73 4/93!0!2/4: H SE FF F 5/14!0!1/87 E Q 4/65!0!4/26 O 3/3!0!1/32 4/:8!0!1/64 7/19!0!26/54 2/4:!0!1/3 3/65!0!1/3: 7/33!0!2/84 Nbszmboe !Ipvtf 6/68!0!3/18 E 22/2:!0!36/24 5/73!0!8/44 6/38!0!4/94 Z I 7/19!0!7/94 7/7:!0!26/69 APPENDIX IV SCOPING LETTER DATE: 07/07/2021 HARFORD COUNTY GOVERNMENT DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING AND ZONING PRELIMINARY TRAFFIC ANALYSIS INFORMATION Project Name:Lands of F.O. Mitchell & Brothers Project Description:4,674,000 sq. ft. warehouse/distribution/e-commerce Project Location:Perryman Road Study Area:1158, 1159, 1160, 1161, 1162, 1163, 1164, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1168, 1169, 1170, 1188, 1189, 1190, 1191, 1192, 1193, 1194, 1195, 1197, 1198, 1199, 1220 The following intersections will be analyzed and queuing analysis will be required for all turning movements at signalized intersectionsutilizing the HCM Back-of Queue methodology: Proposed Site AccessPoints @ Canning MD543@ MD 7 House Road Proposed Access Road @ Perryman RoadMD 543 @ I-95 Ramps (NB/SB) Perryman Road @ Fords LaneMD 7 @ StepneyRoad Proposed Access Road @ Chelsea RoadUS 40 @ MD 7 PerrymanRoad @ Canning House RoadPerryman Road@ Old Philadelphia Road Perryman Road @Chelsea RoadMD 715 @ Old Philadelphia Road Chelsea Road @ Woodley RoadMD 715 @ Woodley Road Extended PerrymanRoad @ Spesutia RoadUS 40 @ MD 715 US 40 @ Spesutia RoadUS 40 @ MD132/Bel Air Avenue US 40 @MD 543US 40 @ MD 22 Design Year:_________ Growth Rate Utilized:2.2% Pass By Percentage:N/A Background Traffic: Other approved preliminary plans in the vicinity DATE: 07/07/2021 RESIDENTIAL 1.Abingdon Addition20 single family units 4.Monarch Glen 1single family unitremaining remainingand 15 townhouseunits remaining 2.Beech Creek Estates 15townhouse units 5.Redleif Run construct26 single family units remaining 3.Hollywoods250condominium units 6.Woodlawn construct 103 single family units remaining NON-RESIDENTIAL 7.999-1041 Old Philadelphia Road(aka 11.Crossroads Community Church (Ayers Cranberry Run Phase II)construct 691,600sq.Property) construct a13,718 sq. ft. house of ft. distribution center/warehousebuildingsworship 12. James Run Develop a Mixed Office Project witha 74,052 sq. ft. EMS facility, a 125-room hotel, 14,000 sq. ft. high turnover sit-down 8.Abingdon Business Park (Lots 1-3)construct restaurant, 44,000 sq. ft. office, 4,275 sq. ft. fast 2,064,800 sq. ft. distribution center/warehouse food restaurant with drive thru, 5,000 sq. ft. buildings convenience store with fuel pumps and car wash, 5,000 sq. ft. retail,304-unitapartment and 100 bed assisted living facility 9.Belcamp Commercial (Lots 1 & 2) construct 13.LEMS Contracting Company, Inc.construct a 4,070 sq. ft. convenience storewith fuel pumpsan 8,800 sq. ft. retail trade service with outdoor and a991sq. ft. car wash anda96-roomhotelstorage 10. Capital Exports construct an 8,000 sq. ft. 14. Riverside Business Park, Lot 36 construct a motor vehicle exports commercial building242,940 sq. ft. warehouse/distribution center Trip Generation Rates for peak hours: Weekday:AM7:009:00PM4:006:00 Weekend: hours: Daily Trip GenerationRates: Weekday:xWeekend: DATE: 07/07/2021 Other approved Capital projects tobe included inanalysis: 1. 2. 3. ___________________________________________________________________ 4. 5. Transit Routes(within the Study Area): Harford LINK: Route 3 Route 5 Route 7 MTA Commuter: Route420 Enclosed map identifies locationof other approved plans. Please provide sitedirectional distribution prior to submitting TIA. Please submitone (1) digital copy of the TIA to Harford County Department of Planning and Zoningand the appropriate number of paper copies of the TIA for distribution. Pending Projects Traffic: Non-committed projects in the vicinity RESIDENTIAL NON-RESIDENTIAL L TDNNG I I N R OD S H H D C JA ME S RUNR EE N N B O T " ) N TS S O P NO RTHE AST E E 22 ME L L A SC CD W PI E I D H P C AA A I L RY NP B F E AA O AP S A T H REDLEIF RUN T O " ) UG W N WE AR 462 R LT T E N GS R B ZU SH FC H AE I OA E R D S R E G O R I T D A V P NN T BEECHTREE E R R PR W C W ESTATES A L M T N U M Q D U ") HOLLYWOODS I L C R 543 D O J K A E M Y E G MONARCH GLEN S DT D I N O RR R YMO EE H CIF RS B C U N X T AT I LO L VR GL LA S E L U K A N I R CL E CA W A H L V I LA N T CROSSROADS COMMUNITY WOODLAWN B R 999-1041 MICH AEL I C L I N T E T L L CHURCH-AYRES PROPERTY I HC H OLD PHILADELPHIA RD H T B A T O G C Y E S I O WE M A 12 S KD T E S P L S M N E L I P LH R I A W F M OO G LS HILR UM U LYN B L A L R D BELCAMP I P A D E AN R A B E L E IN N AP L E JAMES RUN K EU COMMERCIAL D R RIVERSIDE PF LS O J VI TORU WXS ONI OR R UT R V N T(HOTEL LOT 2) U M BUSINESS R M U O I E E PARK LOT 36 P N A T BELCAMP L LS DE CE LER IM M COMMERCIAL R E C O A TH(7-11 LOT 1) E S D IC LA FR AA " ) N Y O C O O 924 O PV EER LYR UN R KF ABERDEEN PROVING R OO OX"ABERDEEN PROVING G) IO O V E B R HURC LC EHC RE EK 159 GROUND GROUND £ ¤ W I 40 D LG Y S A U ABINGDON EF LRU NO R D S H L A A R BUSINESS R E D O E F M E LANDS OF F.O. T F I PARK LW §N ¨¦S U A OR B I N 95 G MITCHELL & BROTHERS LOTS 1-3CAPITAL D O N H S W O FS H U T EXPORTS SITE T RBG I L MO V YD M N R G " ) R L H I N C SC A PH 24 E NM NA IN N G RLH O U W S D E SB U R F R Y A S E E M A P E ABINGDON O I K S A L ADDITION U E M R MO R T O P P O K O P N TI O B T E A I B NE G R T O L N F N C N N I E D I E L O K Lands of F.O. Mitchell & Brothers R LEMS CONTRACTING E V I R H S U B Perryman Road COMPANY, INC. NN O T R D Background Data Map O D M M R N EE O S T S E £ ¤R June 2021 F ± H C A 40 E B " ) Y B H I G U S 755 O E I SL K O OL R BI W Dpvouz;Nvojdjqbmjuz; IBSGPSEOPOF Qsfgjy;Spvuf!OP;Tvggjy;Njmf!Qpjou; NE26:5/54 Mpdbujpo; NE26:./41!NJ!T!PG!VT51 Cfhjo!Tfdu;Foe!Tfdu; 15/84 Tubujpo!Eftd; SPBE!FOE!UP!VT!51 Gvod!Dmbtt;Mpdbujpo!JE; 27.VSCBO!NJOPS!BSUFSJBMC348: DpncjobujpoOpsui!FbtuTpvui!XftuEjs!Jo!Qfbl ZfbsBBEUBBXEUTjohmf!VojuVojuL!GbdupsE!GbdupsTqmjuTqmjuIpvs 31315-4565-7:622369/1:71/7258/3263/8:OPSUI 312:6-2:56-62523319/1:71/7258/3263/8:OPSUI 31296-2:46-67423319/1:71/7258/3263/8:OPSUI 31286-3436-713252:9/1:71/7258/3263/8:OPSUI 31276-2226-582252:9/1:71/7258/3263/8:OPSUI 31266-1216-471252:9/1:71/7258/3263/8:OPSUI 31255-::66-4662822:/2:87/5951/86:/4OPSUI 31246-1156-5152822:/2:87/5951/86:/4OPSUI 31235-::46-4:42525:/2:87/5951/86:/4OPSUI 31226-1436-5532525:/2:87/5951/86:/4OPSUI Opuf AADT: Boovbm!Bwfsbhf!Ebjmz!Usbggjd!jt!uif!ovncfs!pg!wfijdmft!fyqfdufe!up!qbtt!b!hjwfo!mpdbujpo!po!bo!bwfsbhf!ebz!pg!uif!zfbs/ AAWDT: Boovbm!Bwfsbhf!Xfflebz!Usbggjd!jt!uif!ovncfs!pg!wfijdmft!fyqfdufe!up!qbtt!b!hjwfo!mpdbujpo!po!bo!bwfsbhf!Xfflebz!)Npoebz!—!Gsjebz*/ Single Unit: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!Usvdlt!)GIXB!Dmbttft!5!.8*/ Combination Unit: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!Usvdlt!)GIXB!Dmbttft!9.24*/ K Factor: Qspqpsujpo!pg!Boovbm!Bwfsbhf!Ebjmz!Usbggjd!pddvssjoh!jo!uif!41ui!ijhiftu!ipvs!wpmvnf!gps!Dpoujovpvt!dpvou!tubujpo!boe!Qfbl!ipvs!wpmvnf!gps Tipsu!evsbujpo!dpvou!tubujpot/ D Factor: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!usbggjd!npwjoh!jo!uif!qfbl!ejsfdujpo!evsjoh!uif!41ui!ijhiftu!ipvs!wpmvnf!gps!Dpoujovpvt!dpvou!tubujpo!boe!Qfbl!ipvs!wpmvnf gps!Tipsu!evsbujpo!dpvou!tubujpot/ North East Split: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!usbggjd!jo!uif!Opsui!ps!Fbtu!Ejsfdujpo/ South West Split: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!usbggjd!jo!uif!Tpvui!ps!Xftu!Ejsfdujpo/ Peak Hour Uif!ejsfdujpo!xjui!mbshftu!wpmvnf!jo!uif!qfbl!ipvs/ Direction: Dpvouz;Nvojdjqbmjuz; IBSGPSEBCFSEFFO Qsfgjy;Spvuf!OP;Tvggjy;Njmf!Qpjou; NV21611/6 Mpdbujpo; Pme!Qijmbefmqijb!Se!xftu!pg!NE!826 Cfhjo!Tfdu;Foe!Tfdu; 11/7: Tubujpo!Eftd; PME!QIJMBEFMQIJB!SE!UP!TIPSU!MBOF!)NE!826* Gvod!Dmbtt;Mpdbujpo!JE; 28.VSCBO!DPMMFDUPST3111231147 DpncjobujpoOpsui!FbtuTpvui!XftuEjs!Jo!Qfbl ZfbsBBEUBBXEUTjohmf!VojuVojuL!GbdupsE!GbdupsTqmjuTqmjuIpvs 31317-1147-5949/:771/9965/3656/86XFTU 312:8-2938-:139/:771/9965/3656/86XFTU 31298-2928-7229/:771/9965/3656/86XFTU 31288-3518-7819/:771/9965/3656/86XFTU 31278-3568-87621/8999/796:/4251/7:XFTU 31268-2158-71521/8999/796:/4251/7:XFTU 31257-:348-52421/8999/796:/4251/7:XFTU 31247-:538-61321/8999/796:/4251/7:XFTU 31237-:328-59221/8999/796:/4251/7:XFTU 31227-:918-65121/8999/796:/4251/7:XFTU Opuf AADT: Boovbm!Bwfsbhf!Ebjmz!Usbggjd!jt!uif!ovncfs!pg!wfijdmft!fyqfdufe!up!qbtt!b!hjwfo!mpdbujpo!po!bo!bwfsbhf!ebz!pg!uif!zfbs/ AAWDT: Boovbm!Bwfsbhf!Xfflebz!Usbggjd!jt!uif!ovncfs!pg!wfijdmft!fyqfdufe!up!qbtt!b!hjwfo!mpdbujpo!po!bo!bwfsbhf!Xfflebz!)Npoebz!—!Gsjebz*/ Single Unit: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!Usvdlt!)GIXB!Dmbttft!5!.8*/ Combination Unit: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!Usvdlt!)GIXB!Dmbttft!9.24*/ K Factor: Qspqpsujpo!pg!Boovbm!Bwfsbhf!Ebjmz!Usbggjd!pddvssjoh!jo!uif!41ui!ijhiftu!ipvs!wpmvnf!gps!Dpoujovpvt!dpvou!tubujpo!boe!Qfbl!ipvs!wpmvnf!gps Tipsu!evsbujpo!dpvou!tubujpot/ D Factor: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!usbggjd!npwjoh!jo!uif!qfbl!ejsfdujpo!evsjoh!uif!41ui!ijhiftu!ipvs!wpmvnf!gps!Dpoujovpvt!dpvou!tubujpo!boe!Qfbl!ipvs!wpmvnf gps!Tipsu!evsbujpo!dpvou!tubujpot/ North East Split: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!usbggjd!jo!uif!Opsui!ps!Fbtu!Ejsfdujpo/ South West Split: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!usbggjd!jo!uif!Tpvui!ps!Xftu!Ejsfdujpo/ Peak Hour Uif!ejsfdujpo!xjui!mbshftu!wpmvnf!jo!uif!qfbl!ipvs/ Direction: Dpvouz;Nvojdjqbmjuz; IBSGPSEOPOF Qsfgjy;Spvuf!OP;Tvggjy;Njmf!Qpjou; DP5371/2 Mpdbujpo; TQFTVUJB!SE./21!NJ!T!PG!VT51 Cfhjo!Tfdu;Foe!Tfdu; 11/89 Tubujpo!Eftd; VT!51!UP!NE!26: Gvod!Dmbtt;Mpdbujpo!JE; 28.VSCBO!DPMMFDUPSC231144 DpncjobujpoOpsui!FbtuTpvui!XftuEjs!Jo!Qfbl ZfbsBBEUBBXEUTjohmf!VojuVojuL!GbdupsE!GbdupsTqmjuTqmjuIpvs 31315-9336-323522/475/575:/5661/66TPVUI 312:6-8827-462522/475/575:/5661/66TPVUI 31296-8817-231522/475/575:/5661/66TPVUI 31286-:837-44342583/725:/4561/77TPVUI 31276-9427-35242583/725:/4561/77TPVUI 31266-8317-23142583/725:/4561/77TPVUI 31255-9936-333521/246:/563/658/6TPVUI 31245-9:26-392521/246:/563/658/6TPVUI 31235-9916-381521/246:/563/658/6TPVUI 31225-3825-722:/7672/5:61/765:/46TPVUI Opuf AADT: Boovbm!Bwfsbhf!Ebjmz!Usbggjd!jt!uif!ovncfs!pg!wfijdmft!fyqfdufe!up!qbtt!b!hjwfo!mpdbujpo!po!bo!bwfsbhf!ebz!pg!uif!zfbs/ AAWDT: Boovbm!Bwfsbhf!Xfflebz!Usbggjd!jt!uif!ovncfs!pg!wfijdmft!fyqfdufe!up!qbtt!b!hjwfo!mpdbujpo!po!bo!bwfsbhf!Xfflebz!)Npoebz!—!Gsjebz*/ Single Unit: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!Usvdlt!)GIXB!Dmbttft!5!.8*/ Combination Unit: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!Usvdlt!)GIXB!Dmbttft!9.24*/ K Factor: Qspqpsujpo!pg!Boovbm!Bwfsbhf!Ebjmz!Usbggjd!pddvssjoh!jo!uif!41ui!ijhiftu!ipvs!wpmvnf!gps!Dpoujovpvt!dpvou!tubujpo!boe!Qfbl!ipvs!wpmvnf!gps Tipsu!evsbujpo!dpvou!tubujpot/ D Factor: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!usbggjd!npwjoh!jo!uif!qfbl!ejsfdujpo!evsjoh!uif!41ui!ijhiftu!ipvs!wpmvnf!gps!Dpoujovpvt!dpvou!tubujpo!boe!Qfbl!ipvs!wpmvnf gps!Tipsu!evsbujpo!dpvou!tubujpot/ North East Split: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!usbggjd!jo!uif!Opsui!ps!Fbtu!Ejsfdujpo/ South West Split: Qfsdfoubhf!pg!usbggjd!jo!uif!Tpvui!ps!Xftu!Ejsfdujpo/ Peak Hour Uif!ejsfdujpo!xjui!mbshftu!wpmvnf!jo!uif!qfbl!ipvs/ Direction: APPENDIX V SITE TRIP DATA & PLAN APPENDIX VI SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS ÎMD 159 AT SPESUTIA RD TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMAR Y INTERSECTION:MD 159 AT SPESUTIA ROAD COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAMERA DATE:SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 WEATHER:CLEAR DAY:THURSDAY MD 159MD 159SPESUTIAACCESS NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL HOURLY 161126026237245212529141181 6:00-7:00 1021020167114251310620469 7:00-8:00 96109011937211310519474 8:00-9:00 9711121810297611718487 9:00-10:00 1139311787111248922449 10:00-11:00 124130018100171257724507 11:00-12:00 1021150161121410712120517 12:00-1:00 1721240141012611711320588 1:00-2:00 1751420191202628111017638 2:00-3:00 328184310122535013220857 3:00-4:00 24917908137299316720801 4:00-5:00 18916122511822121920318769 5:00-6:00 114888151132012425018642 6:00-7:00 13-HOUR TOTALS20221664162131513272216942119002508379 TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3762 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND MD 159MD 159SPESUTIA RDACCESS TIMELSRLSRLSRLSR TOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL 6-7 AM1611260287262372428752125295931414 7-8102102020416711410125131061442020 8-99610902051193711121131051391919 9-10971112210181029129761171301818 10-11113931207178711115124891052222 11-12 PM1241300254181001713512577942424 12-1102115021716112141421071211382020 1-2172124029614101261411171131312020 2-3175142031719120261652811101391717 3-432818435151012253185501321372020 4-52491790428813729174501321372020 5-618916123522511822165931671791818 6-7114888210151132014812192032341818 TOTAL2022166416370221315132721998209902001230000250250 TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 Connelley Drive EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES Suite B Hanover, Maryland 21076 MD 159 @ SPESUTIA ROAD 410-760-2911 SITE PASSENGER CAR TRIPS WAREHOUSING (LUC 154) - 5,200,000 SFADT -7158 TIMETOTALINOUTINOUT 6.2% 6-7 AM5.10%1.10%36579 4.8% 7-83.65%1.15%26182 3.9% 2.50%1.40%179100 8-9 7.2% 9-104.40%2.80%315200 6.2% 4.75%1.45%340104 10-11 3.7% 11-12 PM1.90%3.80%136272 6.0% 2.55%3.45%183247 12-1 5.9% 1-22.95%2.95%211211 5.2% 3.00%2.20%215157 2-3 7.6% 3-42.60%5.00%186358 4.7% 1.60%3.10%115222 4-5 5.0% 5-61.10%3.90%79279 5.7% 1.30%4.40%93315 6-7 38.5% MD 159 61.5% SPESUTIA RDACCESS MD 159 SITE N TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 Connelley Drive HOURLY IMPACT Suite B Hanover, Maryland 21076 WAREHOUSING (LUC 154) 410-760-2911 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND MD 159MD 159SPESUTIA RDACCESS TIMELSRLSRLSRLSR TOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL 6-7 AM4930791411412242240 7-85032821001001611610 8-9623810069691101100 9-10123772001211211941940 10-1164401041311312092090 11-12 PM167105272525284840 12-11529524770701131130 1-21308121181811301300 2-3976015783831321320 3-422013835872721141140 4-513785222444471710 5-6172107279303046460 6-7194121315363657570 TOTAL1617100902626010300103000164516450000 TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 Connelley Drive SITE PASSENGER CAR TRIPS Suite B Hanover, Maryland 21076 WAREHOUSING 410-760-2911 SITE TRUCK TRIPS WAREHOUSING (LUC 154) - 5,200,000 SFADT -3068 TIMETOTALINOUTINOUT 6.2% 6-7 AM5.10%1.10%15634 4.8% 7-83.65%1.15%11235 3.9% 2.50%1.40%7743 8-9 7.2% 9-104.40%2.80%13586 6.2% 4.75%1.45%14644 10-11 3.7% 11-12 PM1.90%3.80%58117 6.0% 2.55%3.45%78106 12-1 5.9% 1-22.95%2.95%9191 5.2% 3.00%2.20%9267 2-3 7.6% 3-42.60%5.00%80153 4.7% 1.60%3.10%4995 4-5 5.0% 5-61.10%3.90%34120 5.7% 1.30%4.40%40135 6-7 100% MD 159 SPESUTIA RDACCESS MD 159 SITE N TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 Connelley Drive HOURLY IMPACT Suite B Hanover, Maryland 21076 WAREHOUSING (LUC 154) 410-760-2911 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND MD 159MD 159SPESUTIA RDACCESS TIMELSRLSRLSRLSR TOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL 6-7 AM343415615600 7-8353511211200 8-94343777700 9-10868613513500 10-11444414614600 11-12 PM117117585800 12-1106106787800 1-29191919100 2-36767929200 3-4153153808000 4-59595494900 5-6120120343400 6-7135135404000 TOTAL0112601126011470114700000000 TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 Connelley Drive SITE TRUCK TRIPS Suite B Hanover, Maryland 21076 WAREHOUSING 410-760-2911 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND MD 159MD 159SPESUTIA RDACCESS TIMELSRLSRLSRLSR TOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL 6-7 AM210190040026534245845212753817001414 7-8152169032116283143132513267305002020 8-915819003481123972572113215249001919 9-10220274249618358938576311324001818 10-1117717713551736411392124298314002222 11-12 PM29135206431821017245125161178002424 12-125431605701626014290107234251002020 1-230229605981427326313117243261002020 2-327226905411929526340281242271001717 3-454847531026102745333750246251002020 4-5386359074582302926750203208002020 5-63613882751251822222993213225001818 6-7308344ES'!D165215189202241219260291001818 TOTAL363937998744621336902724175209903646394500250250 TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 Connelley Drive TOTAL FUTURE TRAFFIC VOLUMES Suite B Hanover, Maryland 21076 MD 159 @ SPESUTIA ROAD 410-760-2911 TABLE 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT SUMMARY MD 159 AT SPESUTIA ROAD WARRANTSEXISTING CONDITIONS 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Not Satisfied A-Minimum Vehicle Volume (met for 0 of the required 8 hours) 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Not Satisfied B-Interruption of Continuous Traffic (met for 0 of the required 8 hours) 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume -Combination of Warrants 1A & 1BNot Satisfied (met 1A for 0 of the required 8 hours) (met 1B for 0 of the required 8 hours) 2-Four-Hour Vehicular VolumeNot Satisfied (met for 0 of the required 4 hours) 3-Peak HourNot Satisfied (met for 0 of the required 1 hour) 4-Pedestrian VolumeNot Satisfied 5-School CrossingNot Applicable 6-Coordinated Signal SystemNot Applicable 7-Crash ExperienceNot Satisfied 8-Roadway NetworkNot Applicable 9-Intersection Near A Grade CrossingNot Applicable NOTE: SIDE RD VOLUME TESTED = NB MD 159 LEFT TURN VOLUME MAINLINE VOLUME = CONFLICTING SB MD 159 THRUS/RIGHTS Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume, Condition A, Minimum Vehicular Volume- This warrant is intended for application where a large volume of intersection traffic is the principal reason to consider a traffic control signal. This warrant is satisfied when the minimum volumes as shown on Table 2 are met for at least 8 hours. TABLE 2 WARRANT 1 - EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Î 70% CONDITION A - MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM 261 350 161 105 X 7-8 85 350 102 105 8-9 100 350 96 105 9-10 111 350 97 105 10-11 98 350 113 105X 11-12PM 117 350 124 105X 12-1 126 350 102 105 1-2 127 350 172 105X 2-3 146 350 175 105X 3-4 175 350 328 105X 4-5 166 350 249 105X 5-6 140 350 189 105X 6-7 133 350 114 105X th Note: Warrant amount 70% of MUTCD requirements due to the major street traffic 85 percentile exceeding 40 mph. As shown on Table 2, the minimum volumes are met for none of the required eight (8) hours, therefore, Warrant 1-Condition A is not satisfied. Condition B-Interruption of Continuous Traffic Î This warrant is intended for application where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that traffic on a minor intersecting street suffers excessive delay or conflict in entering or crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when the minimum volumes as shown on Table 3, are met for at least eight (8) hours. TABLE 3 WARRANT 1 - EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Î 70% CONDITION B - INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM261 525 161 53 X 7-88552510253X 8-91005259653X 9-101115259753X 10-119852511353X 11-12PM11752512453X 12-112652510253X 1-212752517253X 2-314652517553X 3-417552532853X 4-5166525249 53X 5-6140525189 53X 6-7133525114 53X th Note: Warrant amount 70% of MUTCD requirements due to the major street traffic 85 percentile exceeding 40 mph. As shown on Table 2, the minimum volumes are met for none of the required eight (8) hours, therefore, Warrant 1-Condition B is not satisfied. Combination of Warrant 1, Condition A and Condition B Î This warrant is intended for application at intersections where no warrants are satisfied, but the minimum required volumes are nearly met for warrant 1, Condition A and Condition B. TABLE 4 WARRANT 1 - COMBINATION OF WARRANTS 56% OF WARRANT 1 - CONDITION A VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM261 280 161 84 X 7-88528010284X 8-91002809684X 9-101112809784X 10-119828011384X 11-12PM11728012484X 12-112628010284X 1-212728017284X 2-314628017584X 3-417528032884X 4-5166280249 84X 5-614028018984X 6-7133280114 84X TABLE 5 WARRANT 1 Î COMBINATION OF WARRANTS 56% OF WARRANT 1 Î CONDITION B VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM 261 420 161 42 X 7-8 85 420 102 42 X 8-9 100 420 96 42X 9-10 111 420 97 42X 10-11 98 420 113 42X 11-12PM 117 420 124 42X 12-1 126 420 102 42X 1-2 127 420 172 42X 2-3 146 420 175 42X 3-4 175 420 328 42X 4-5 166 420 249 42X 5-6 140 420 189 42X 6-7 133 420 114 42X As indicated in these tables, 56% of the values in warrant 1-condition A are met for noneof the required 8 hours, and 56% of the values in warrant 1-condition B are met for none of the required 8 hours, therefore, Warrant 1 (Combination of Warrants) is not satisfied. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume Î This warrant is intended for application where the volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal. This warrant is satisfied when at least four plotted points, representing vehicles per hour fall above the curve as shown on Table 6. TABLE 6 FOUR HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME The plotted points did not fall above the curve for at least four hours; therefore, Warrant 2 is satisfied. Warrant 3, Peak Hour Î The peak hour signal warrant is intended for use at a location where traffic conditions are such that for a minimum of one hour of an average day, the minor street traffic suffers undue delay when entering or crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when for one hour of the day, at least one plotted point, representing vehicles per hour, fall above the curve shown on Table 7. TABLE 7 PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT The plotted pointsl above the curve for at least one hour; therefore, Warrant 3 is satisfied. Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume Î This warrant is intended for application where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that pedestrians experience excessive delay in crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when there is a pedestrian volume crossing the major street of at least 75 for each of any four hours, or at least 93 during any one hour. The warrant also requires that there be less than 60 gaps per hour in main street traffic adequate enough to allow pedestrians to cross. While conducting the turning movement count no pedestrians were observed crossing the Main Street, therefore Warrant 4 is not satisfied. Warrant 5, School Crossing Î This warrant is intended for application at established school crossings where the frequency and adequacy of gaps in the vehicular traffic stream do not allow school children to safely cross and there are a minimum of 20 students during the highest crossing hour. An established school crossing is not located at this intersection; therefore Warrant 5 is not applicable. Warrant 6, Coordinated Signal Systems Î This warrant is intended for application in coordinated signal systems in order to maintain proper platooning of vehicles. The intersection is not located within a coordinated signal system; therefore Warrant 6 is not applicable. Warrant 7, Crash Experience Î This warrant is intended for application where the severity and frequency of crashes are the principal reasons to consider installing a traffic signal. The warrant requires five (5) or more reported crashes in the last 12 months susceptible to correction by a traffic signal and 80% of Warrant 1, Condition A or Warrant 1, Condition B or Warrant 4 is met. The Maryland State Highway Administration no longer releases reported crash data to consultants. Therefore, Warrant 7 is not applicable. Warrant 8, Roadway Network Î This warrant is intended for application at intersections to encourage concentration and organization of traffic flow on a roadway network. The warrant requires the intersection to be of two major routes and have 1000 vehicles entering the intersection during the peak hour and 5-year projected traffic volumes that satisfy warrants 1, 2 and 3; or the intersection has an entering volume at least 1000 vehicles per hour for each of any five hours of a non-normal business day. The side street is not considered a major route; therefore, Warrant 8 is not applicable. Warrant 9, Intersection Near A Grade Crossing Î This warrant is intended for use at a location where none of the conditions described in the other eight warrants are met, but the proximity to the intersection of a grade crossing on an intersection approach controlled by a STOP or YIELD sign is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic signal. This signal warrant should be applied only after adequate consideration has been given to other alternatives or after a trial of an alternative has failed to alleviate the safety concerns associated with the grade crossing. This intersection is not near an at grade crossing, therefore, Warrant 9 is not applicable. TABLE 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT SUMMARY MD 159 AT SPESUTIA ROAD WARRANTSFUTURE CONDITIONS 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Not Satisfied A-Minimum Vehicle Volume (met for 3 of the required 8 hours) 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Not Satisfied B-Interruption of Continuous Traffic (met for 1 of the required 8 hours) 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume -Combination of Warrants 1A & 1BNot Satisfied (met 1A for 7 of the required 8 hours) (met 1B for 1 of the required 8 hours) 2-Four-Hour Vehicular Volume Satisfied (met for of the required 4 hours) 3-Peak HourNot Satisfied (met for 0 of the required 1 hour) 4-Pedestrian VolumeNot Satisfied 5-School CrossingNot Applicable 6-Coordinated Signal SystemNot Applicable 7-Crash ExperienceNot Satisfied 8-Roadway NetworkNot Applicable 9-Intersection Near A Grade CrossingNot Applicable NOTE: SIDE RD VOLUME TESTED = NB MD 159 LEFT TURN VOLUME MAINLINE VOLUME = CONFLICTING SB MD 159 THRUS/RIGHTS Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume, Condition A, Minimum Vehicular Volume- This warrant is intended for application where a large volume of intersection traffic is the principal reason to consider a traffic control signal. This warrant is satisfied when the minimum volumes as shown on Table 2 are met for at least 8 hours. TABLE 2 WARRANT 1 - EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Î 70% CONDITION A - MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM558 350X210105X1 7-8297 350152 105X 8-9246 350158105X 9-10367 350X220105X2 10-11375 350X177105X3 11-12PM227 350291105X 12-1274 350254105X 1-2299 350302105X 2-3321 350272105X 3-4327 350548105X 4-5259350386105X 5-6204350361105X 6-7209350308105X th Note: Warrant amount 70% of MUTCD requirements due to the major street traffic 85 percentile exceeding 40 mph. As shown on Table 2, the minimum volumes are met for three (3) of the required eight (8)hours, therefore, Warrant 1-Condition A is not satisfied. Condition B-Interruption of Continuous Traffic Î This warrant is intended for application where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that traffic on a minor intersecting street suffers excessive delay or conflict in entering or crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when the minimum volumes as shown on Table 3, are met for at least eight (8) hours. TABLE 3 WARRANT 1 - EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Î 70% CONDITION B - INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM 558 525 X 210 53 X 1 7-8 297 525 152 53 X 8-9 246 525 158 53X 9-10 367 525 220 53X 10-11 375 525 177 53X 11-12PM 227 525 291 53X 12-1 274 525 254 53X 1-2 299 525 302 53X 2-3 321 525 272 53X 3-4 327 525 548 53X 4-5 259 525 386 53X 5-6 204 525 361 53X 6-7 209 525 308 53X th Note: Warrant amount 70% of MUTCD requirements due to the major street traffic 85 percentile exceeding 40 mph. As shown on Table 2, the minimum volumes are met for one of the required eight (8) hours, therefore, Warrant 1-Condition B is not satisfied. Combination of Warrant 1, Condition A and Condition B Î This warrant is intended for application at intersections where no warrants are satisfied, but the minimum required volumes are nearly met for warrant 1, Condition A and Condition B. TABLE 4 WARRANT 1 - COMBINATION OF WARRANTS 56% OF WARRANT 1 - CONDITION A VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM558 280 X 210 84 X 1 7-8297280X15284X2 8-924628015884X 9-10367280X22084X3 10-11375280X17784X4 11-12PM22728029184X 12-127428025484X 1-2299280X30284X5 2-3321280X27284X6 3-4327280X54884X7 4-525928038684X 5-620428036184X 6-720928030884X TABLE 5 WARRANT 1 Î COMBINATION OF WARRANTS 56% OF WARRANT 1 Î CONDITION B VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM558 420 X 210 42 X 1 7-829742015242X 8-924642015842X 9-1036742022042X 10-1137542017742X 11-12PM22742029142X 12-127442025442X 1-229942030242X 2-332142027242X 3-432742054842X 4-525942038642X 5-620442036142X 6-720942030842X As indicated in these tables, 56% of the values in warrant 1-condition A are met for 7 of the required 8 hours, and 56% of the values in warrant 1-condition B are met for one of the required 8 hours, therefore, Warrant 1 (Combination of Warrants) is not satisfied. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume Î This warrant is intended for application where the volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal. This warrant is satisfied when at least four plotted points, representing vehicles per hour fall above the curve as shown on Table 6. TABLE 6 FOUR HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME 6PM The plotted points did fall above the curve for at least four hours; therefore, Warrant 2 is satisfied. Warrant 3, Peak Hour Î The peak hour signal warrant is intended for use at a location where traffic conditions are such that for a minimum of one hour of an average day, the minor street traffic suffers undue delay when entering or crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when for one hour of the day, at least one plotted point, representing vehicles per hour, fall above the curve shown on Table 7. TABLE 7 PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT The plotted pointsl above the curve for at least one hour; therefore, Warrant 3 is satisfied. Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume Î This warrant is intended for application where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that pedestrians experience excessive delay in crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when there is a pedestrian volume crossing the major street of at least 75 for each of any four hours, or at least 93 during any one hour. The warrant also requires that there be less than 60 gaps per hour in main street traffic adequate enough to allow pedestrians to cross. While conducting the turning movement count no pedestrians were observed crossing the Main Street, therefore Warrant 4 is not satisfied. Warrant 5, School Crossing Î This warrant is intended for application at established school crossings where the frequency and adequacy of gaps in the vehicular traffic stream do not allow school children to safely cross and there are a minimum of 20 students during the highest crossing hour. An established school crossing is not located at this intersection; therefore Warrant 5 is not applicable. Warrant 6, Coordinated Signal Systems Î This warrant is intended for application in coordinated signal systems in order to maintain proper platooning of vehicles. The intersection is not located within a coordinated signal system; therefore Warrant 6 is not applicable. Warrant 7, Crash Experience Î This warrant is intended for application where the severity and frequency of crashes are the principal reasons to consider installing a traffic signal. The warrant requires five (5) or more reported crashes in the last 12 months susceptible to correction by a traffic signal and 80% of Warrant 1, Condition A or Warrant 1, Condition B or Warrant 4 is met. The Maryland State Highway Administration no longer releases reported crash data to consultants. Therefore, Warrant 7 is not applicable. Warrant 8, Roadway Network Î This warrant is intended for application at intersections to encourage concentration and organization of traffic flow on a roadway network. The warrant requires the intersection to be of two major routes and have 1000 vehicles entering the intersection during the peak hour and 5-year projected traffic volumes that satisfy warrants 1, 2 and 3; or the intersection has an entering volume at least 1000 vehicles per hour for each of any five hours of a non-normal business day. The side street is not considered a major route; therefore, Warrant 8 is not applicable. Warrant 9, Intersection Near A Grade Crossing Î This warrant is intended for use at a location where none of the conditions described in the other eight warrants are met, but the proximity to the intersection of a grade crossing on an intersection approach controlled by a STOP or YIELD sign is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic signal. This signal warrant should be applied only after adequate consideration has been given to other alternatives or after a trial of an alternative has failed to alleviate the safety concerns associated with the grade crossing. This intersection is not near an at grade crossing, therefore, Warrant 9 is not applicable. APPENDIX VII SIGNAL WARRANT ANALYSIS ÎMD 159 AT CHELSEA RD TURNING MOVEMENT COUNT SUMMAR Y INTERSECTION:MD 159 AT CHELSEA ROAD COUNTY:HARFORD COUNT BY:CAMERA DATE:SEPTEMBER 15, 2022 WEATHER:CLEAR DAY:THURSDAY CHELSEA RDMD 159MD 159 NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND TIMELEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTLEFTTHRURIGHTTOTAL HOURLY 11747243011011040 6:00-7:00 095142381051381 7:00-8:00 180125751130394 8:00-9:00 210714874970428 9:00-10:00 412811069701382 10:00-11:00 21539689983441 11:00-12:00 6130144100865471 12:00-1:00 6197100109760488 1:00-2:00 1238137114823575 2:00-3:00 35162391558831004 3:00-4:00 22961471881253761 4:00-5:00 42511811491042691 5:00-6:00 4122239147840596 6:00-7:00 13-HOUR TOTALS362487002532133712380220007652 TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 CONNELLEY DRIVE, SUITE B HANOVER, MARYLAND 21076 410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915 E-MAIL TRAFFIC@TRAFFIC-CONCEPTS.COM M:\\3762 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND CHELSEA RDMD 159MD 159 TIMELSRLSRLSRLSR TOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL 6-7 AM11741757243075411011110 7-8095951423818010511060 8-9180811257520011301130 9-10210710914874222970970 10-11412813211069179701710 11-12 PM215315596891859831010 12-16130136144100244865910 1-26197203100109209760760 2-31238239137114251823850 3-43516519239155394883910 4-5229629814718833512531280 5-6425125518114933010421060 6-74122126239147386840840 TOTAL362487025230253213373869123802212600000 TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 Connelley Drive EXISTING TRAFFIC VOLUMES Suite B Hanover, Maryland 21076 MD 159 @ CHELSEA ROAD 410-760-2911 WAREHOUSING (LUC 154) - 5,200,000 SFADT -10226 TIMETOTALINOUTINOUT 6.2% 6-7 AM5.10%1.10%522112 4.8% 7-83.65%1.15%373118 3.9% 2.50%1.40%256143 8-9 7.2% 9-104.40%2.80%450286 6.2% 4.75%1.45%486148 10-11 3.7% 11-12 PM1.90%3.80%194389 6.0% 2.55%3.45%261353 12-1 5.9% 1-22.95%2.95%302302 5.2% 3.00%2.20%307225 2-3 7.6% 3-42.60%5.00%266511 4.7% 1.60%3.10%164317 4-5 5.0% 5-61.10%3.90%112399 5.7% 1.30%4.40%133450 6-7 100% MD 159 MD 159 CHELSEA RD SITE N TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 Connelley Drive HOURLY IMPACT Suite B Hanover, Maryland 21076 WAREHOUSING (LUC 154) 410-760-2911 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND CHELSEA RDMD 159MD 159 TIMELSRLSRLSRLSR TOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL 6-7 AM11211252252200 7-811811837337300 8-914314325625600 9-1028628645045000 10-1114814848648600 11-12 PM38938919419400 12-135335326126100 1-230230230230200 2-322522530730700 3-451151126626600 4-531731716416400 5-639939911211200 6-745045013313300 TOTAL0375303753038260382600000000 TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 Connelley Drive SITE TRIPS Suite B Hanover, Maryland 21076 WAREHOUSING 410-760-2911 TRAFFIC VOLUMES NORTHBOUNDSOUTHBOUNDEASTBOUNDWESTBOUND CHELSEA RDMD 159MD 159 TIMELSRLSRLSRLSR TOTALTOTALTOTALTOTAL 6-7 AM1286028701246301276110011110000 7-802130213051538553105011060000 8-912230224038175456113001130000 9-10239303950598746729700970000 10-11427602800596696657001710000 11-12 PM2542054402908937998031010000 12-16483048904051005058605910000 1-26499050504021095117600760000 2-31463046404441145588203850000 3-4310270103005051556608803910000 4-5261306150311188499125031280000 5-6465006540293149442104021060000 6-74572057603721475198400840000 TOTAL366240062760635813377695123802212600000 TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. 7525 Connelley Drive TOTAL FUTURE TRAFFIC VOLUMES Suite B Hanover, Maryland 21076 MD 159 @ CHELSEA ROAD 410-760-2911 TABLE 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT SUMMARY MD 159 AT CHELSEA RD WARRANTSEXISTING CONDITIONS 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Not Satisfied A-Minimum Vehicle Volume (met for 3 of the required 8 hours) 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Not Satisfied B-Interruption of Continuous Traffic (met for 4 of the required 8 hours) 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume -Combination of Warrants 1A & 1BNot Satisfied (met 1A for 11 of the required 8 hours) (met 1B for 6 of the required 8 hours) 2-Four-Hour Vehicular VolumeNot Satisfied (met for 3 of the required 4 hours) 3-Peak HourNot Satisfied (met for 0 of the required 1 hour) 4-Pedestrian VolumeNot Satisfied 5-School CrossingNot Applicable 6-Coordinated Signal SystemNot Applicable 7-Crash ExperienceNot Satisfied 8-Roadway NetworkNot Applicable 9-Intersection Near A Grade CrossingNot Applicable Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume, Condition A, Minimum Vehicular Volume- This warrant is intended for application where a large volume of intersection traffic is the principal reason to consider a traffic control signal. This warrant is satisfied when the minimum volumes as shown on Table 2 are met for at least 8 hours. TABLE 2 WARRANT 1 - EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Î 70% CONDITION A - MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM 929 350 X 111 105 X 1 7-8 275 350 106 105 X 8-9 281 350 113 105X 9-10 331 350 97 105 10-11 311 350 71 105 11-12PM 340 350 101 105 12-1 380 350X 91 105 1-2 412 350X 76 105 2-3 490 350X 85 105 3-4 913 350X 91 105 4-5 633 350X 128 105X 2 5-6 585 350X 106 105X 3 6-7 512 350X 84 105 th Note: Warrant amount 70% of MUTCD requirements due to the major street traffic 85 percentile exceeding 40 mph. As shown on Table 2, the minimum volumes are met for three (3) of the required eight (8) hours, therefore, Warrant 1-Condition A is not satisfied. Condition B-Interruption of Continuous Traffic Î This warrant is intended for application where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that traffic on a minor intersecting street suffers excessive delay or conflict in entering or crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when the minimum volumes as shown on Table 3, are met for at least eight (8) hours. TABLE 3 WARRANT 1 - EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Î 70% CONDITION B - INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM929 525 X 111 53 X 1 7-827552510653X 8-928152511353X 9-103315259753X 10-113115257153X 11-12PM34052510153X 12-13805259153X 1-24125257653X 2-34905258553X 3-4913525X9153X2 4-5633525X12853X3 5-6585525X10653X4 6-75125258453X th Note: Warrant amount 70% of MUTCD requirements due to the major street traffic 85 percentile exceeding 40 mph. As shown on Table 2, the minimum volumes are met for four (4) of the required eight (8)hours, therefore, Warrant 1-Condition B is not satisfied. Combination of Warrant 1, Condition A and Condition B Î This warrant is intended for application at intersections where no warrants are satisfied, but the minimum required volumes are nearly met for warrant 1, Condition A and Condition B. TABLE 4 WARRANT 1 - COMBINATION OF WARRANTS 56% OF WARRANT 1 - CONDITION A VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM929 280 X 111 84 X 1 7-8275280X10684X2 8-9281280X11384X3 9-10331280X9784X4 10-11311280X7184 11-12PM340280X10184X5 12-1380280X9184X6 1-2412280X7684 2-3490280X8584X7 3-4913280X9184X8 4-5633280X12884X9 5-6585280X10684X10 6-7512280X8484X11 TABLE 5 WARRANT 1 Î COMBINATION OF WARRANTS 56% OF WARRANT 1 Î CONDITION B VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM929 420 X 111 42 X 1 7-827542010642X 8-928142011342X 9-103314209742X 10-113114207142X 11-12PM34042010142X 12-13804209142X 1-24124207642X 2-3490420X8542X2 3-4913420X9142X3 4-5633420X12842X4 5-6585420X10642X5 6-7512420X8442X6 As indicated in these tables, 56% of the values in warrant 1-condition A are met for 11 of the required 8 hours, and 56% of the values in warrant 1-condition B are met for six (6) of the required 8 hours, therefore, Warrant 1 (Combination of Warrants) is NOT satisfied. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume Î This warrant is intended for application where the volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal. This warrant is satisfied when at least four plotted points, representing vehicles per hour fall above the curve as shown on Table 6. TABLE 6 FOUR HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME The plotted points did not fall above the curve for at least four hours; therefore, Warrant 2 is satisfied. Warrant 3, Peak Hour Î The peak hour signal warrant is intended for use at a location where traffic conditions are such that for a minimum of one hour of an average day, the minor street traffic suffers undue delay when entering or crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when for one hour of the day, at least one plotted point, representing vehicles per hour, fall above the curve shown on Table 7. TABLE 7 PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT The plotted pointsl above the curve for at least one hour; therefore, Warrant 3 is satisfied. Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume Î This warrant is intended for application where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that pedestrians experience excessive delay in crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when there is a pedestrian volume crossing the major street of at least 75 for each of any four hours, or at least 93 during any one hour. The warrant also requires that there be less than 60 gaps per hour in main street traffic adequate enough to allow pedestrians to cross. While conducting the turning movement count no pedestrians were observed crossing the Main Street, therefore Warrant 4 is not satisfied. Warrant 5, School Crossing Î This warrant is intended for application at established school crossings where the frequency and adequacy of gaps in the vehicular traffic stream do not allow school children to safely cross and there are a minimum of 20 students during the highest crossing hour. An established school crossing is not located at this intersection; therefore Warrant 5 is not applicable. Warrant 6, Coordinated Signal Systems Î This warrant is intended for application in coordinated signal systems in order to maintain proper platooning of vehicles. The intersection is not located within a coordinated signal system; therefore Warrant 6 is not applicable. Warrant 7, Crash Experience Î This warrant is intended for application where the severity and frequency of crashes are the principal reasons to consider installing a traffic signal. The warrant requires five (5) or more reported crashes in the last 12 months susceptible to correction by a traffic signal and 80% of Warrant 1, Condition A or Warrant 1, Condition B or Warrant 4 is met. The Maryland State Highway Administration no longer releases reported crash data to consultants. Therefore, Warrant 7 is not applicable. Warrant 8, Roadway Network Î This warrant is intended for application at intersections to encourage concentration and organization of traffic flow on a roadway network. The warrant requires the intersection to be of two major routes and have 1000 vehicles entering the intersection during the peak hour and 5-year projected traffic volumes that satisfy warrants 1, 2 and 3; or the intersection has an entering volume at least 1000 vehicles per hour for each of any five hours of a non-normal business day. The side street is not considered a major route; therefore, Warrant 8 is not applicable. Warrant 9, Intersection Near A Grade Crossing Î This warrant is intended for use at a location where none of the conditions described in the other eight warrants are met, but the proximity to the intersection of a grade crossing on an intersection approach controlled by a STOP or YIELD sign is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic signal. This signal warrant should be applied only after adequate consideration has been given to other alternatives or after a trial of an alternative has failed to alleviate the safety concerns associated with the grade crossing. This intersection is not near an at grade crossing, therefore, Warrant 9 is not applicable. TABLE 1 TRAFFIC SIGNAL WARRANT SUMMARY MD 159 AT CHELSEA RD WARRANTSFUTURE CONDITIONS 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Not Satisfied A-Minimum Vehicle Volume (met for 5 of the required 8 hours) 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume Satisfied B-Interruption of Continuous Traffic (met for 13 of the required 8 hours) 1-Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume -Combination of Warrants 1A & 1BSatisfied (met 1A for 11 of the required 8 hours) (met 1B for 13 of the required 8 hours) 2-Four-Hour Vehicular VolumeSatisfied (met for 12 of the required 4 hours) 3-Peak HourSatisfied (met for 1 of the required 1 hour) 4-Pedestrian VolumeNot Satisfied 5-School CrossingNot Applicable 6-Coordinated Signal SystemNot Applicable 7-Crash ExperienceNot Satisfied 8-Roadway NetworkNot Applicable 9-Intersection Near A Grade CrossingNot Applicable Warrant 1, Eight-Hour Vehicular Volume, Condition A, Minimum Vehicular Volume- This warrant is intended for application where a large volume of intersection traffic is the principal reason to consider a traffic control signal. This warrant is satisfied when the minimum volumes as shown on Table 2 are met for at least 8 hours. TABLE 2 WARRANT 1 - EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Î 70% CONDITION A - MINIMUM VEHICULAR VOLUME VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM1563 350X111105X1 7-8766 350X106105X2 8-9680 350X113105X3 9-101067 350X97105 10-11945 350X71105 11-12PM923 350X101105 12-1994 350X91105 1-21016 350X76105 2-31022 350X85105 3-41690 350X91105 4-51114 350X128105X4 5-61096 350X106105X5 6-71095 350X84105 th Note: Warrant amount 70% of MUTCD requirements due to the major street traffic 85 percentile exceeding 40 mph. As shown on Table 2, the minimum volumes are met for five (5) of the required eight (8)hours, therefore, Warrant 1-Condition A is not satisfied. Condition B-Interruption of Continuous Traffic Î This warrant is intended for application where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that traffic on a minor intersecting street suffers excessive delay or conflict in entering or crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when the minimum volumes as shown on Table 3, are met for at least eight (8) hours. TABLE 3 WARRANT 1 - EIGHT-HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME Î 70% CONDITION B - INTERRUPTION OF CONTINUOUS TRAFFIC VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM 1563 525 X 111 53 X 1 7-8 766 525 X 106 53 X 2 8-9 680 525X 113 53X 3 9-10 1067 525X 97 53X 4 10-11 945 525X 71 53X 5 11-12PM 923 525X 101 53X 6 12-1 994 525X 91 53X 7 1-2 1016 525X 76 53X 8 2-3 1022 525X 85 53X 9 3-4 1690 525X 91 53X 10 4-5 1114 525X 128 53X 11 5-6 1096 525X 106 53X 12 6-7 1095 525X 84 53X 13 th Note: Warrant amount 70% of MUTCD requirements due to the major street traffic 85 percentile exceeding 40 mph. As shown on Table 2, the minimum volumes are met for 13 of the required eight (8) hours, therefore, Warrant 1-Condition B is satisfied. Combination of Warrant 1, Condition A and Condition B Î This warrant is intended for application at intersections where no warrants are satisfied, but the minimum required volumes are nearly met for warrant 1, Condition A and Condition B. TABLE 4 WARRANT 1 - COMBINATION OF WARRANTS 56% OF WARRANT 1 - CONDITION A VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM 1563 280 X 111 84 X 1 7-8 766 280 X 106 84 X 2 8-9 680 280X 113 84X 3 9-10 1067 280X 97 84X 4 10-11 945 280X 71 84 11-12PM 923 280X 101 84X 5 12-1 994 280X 91 84X 6 1-2 1016 280X 76 84 2-3 1022 280X 85 84X 7 3-4 1690 280X 91 84X 8 4-5 1114 280X 128 84X 9 5-6 1096 280X 106 84X 10 6-7 1095 280X 84 84X 11 TABLE 5 WARRANT 1 Î COMBINATION OF WARRANTS 56% OF WARRANT 1 Î CONDITION B VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR VEH/HR TIME MAIN ST. WARRANT WARRANT SIDE WARRANT WARRANT WARRANT PERIOD BOTH DIR AMOUNT MET ROAD AMOUNT MET MET 6-7 AM1563 420 X 111 42 X 1 7-8766420X10642X2 8-9680420X11342X3 9-101067420X9742X4 10-11945420X7142X5 11-12PM923420X10142X6 12-1994420X9142X7 1-21016420X7642X8 2-31022420X8542X9 3-41690420X9142X10 4-51114420X12842X11 5-61096420X10642X12 6-71095420X8442X13 As indicated in these tables, 56% of the values in warrant 1-condition A are met for 11 of the required 8 hours, and 56% of the values in warrant 1-condition B are met for 13 of the required 8 hours, therefore, Warrant 1 (Combination of Warrants) is satisfied. Warrant 2, Four-Hour Vehicular Volume Î This warrant is intended for application where the volume of intersecting traffic is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic control signal. This warrant is satisfied when at least four plotted points, representing vehicles per hour fall above the curve as shown on Table 6. TABLE 6 FOUR HOUR VEHICULAR VOLUME The plotted points did not fall above the curve for at least four hours; therefore, Warrant 2 is satisfied. Warrant 3, Peak Hour Î The peak hour signal warrant is intended for use at a location where traffic conditions are such that for a minimum of one hour of an average day, the minor street traffic suffers undue delay when entering or crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when for one hour of the day, at least one plotted point, representing vehicles per hour, fall above the curve shown on Table 7. TABLE 7 PEAK HOUR VOLUME WARRANT The plotted points fell above the curve for at least one hour; therefore, Warrant 3 is satisfied. Warrant 4, Pedestrian Volume Î This warrant is intended for application where the traffic volume on a major street is so heavy that pedestrians experience excessive delay in crossing the major street. This warrant is satisfied when there is a pedestrian volume crossing the major street of at least 75 for each of any four hours, or at least 93 during any one hour. The warrant also requires that there be less than 60 gaps per hour in main street traffic adequate enough to allow pedestrians to cross. While conducting the turning movement count no pedestrians were observed crossing the Main Street, therefore Warrant 4 is not satisfied. Warrant 5, School Crossing Î This warrant is intended for application at established school crossings where the frequency and adequacy of gaps in the vehicular traffic stream do not allow school children to safely cross and there are a minimum of 20 students during the highest crossing hour. An established school crossing is not located at this intersection; therefore Warrant 5 is not applicable. Warrant 6, Coordinated Signal Systems Î This warrant is intended for application in coordinated signal systems in order to maintain proper platooning of vehicles. The intersection is not located within a coordinated signal system; therefore Warrant 6 is not applicable. Warrant 7, Crash Experience Î This warrant is intended for application where the severity and frequency of crashes are the principal reasons to consider installing a traffic signal. The warrant requires five (5) or more reported crashes in the last 12 months susceptible to correction by a traffic signal and 80% of Warrant 1, Condition A or Warrant 1, Condition B or Warrant 4 is met. The Maryland State Highway Administration no longer releases reported crash data to consultants. Therefore, Warrant 7 is not applicable. Warrant 8, Roadway Network Î This warrant is intended for application at intersections to encourage concentration and organization of traffic flow on a roadway network. The warrant requires the intersection to be of two major routes and have 1000 vehicles entering the intersection during the peak hour and 5-year projected traffic volumes that satisfy warrants 1, 2 and 3; or the intersection has an entering volume at least 1000 vehicles per hour for each of any five hours of a non-normal business day. The side street is not considered a major route; therefore, Warrant 8 is not applicable. Warrant 9, Intersection Near A Grade Crossing Î This warrant is intended for use at a location where none of the conditions described in the other eight warrants are met, but the proximity to the intersection of a grade crossing on an intersection approach controlled by a STOP or YIELD sign is the principal reason to consider installing a traffic signal. This signal warrant should be applied only after adequate consideration has been given to other alternatives or after a trial of an alternative has failed to alleviate the safety concerns associated with the grade crossing. This intersection is not near an at grade crossing, therefore, Warrant 9 is not applicable.