HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-9-27 MDOT SHA Response
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September 27, 2022
Ms. Sutapa Samanta. P.E.
Acting Metropolitan District Engineer
MDOT State Highway Administration
District 4 – Baltimore and Harford Counties
320 West Warren Road
Hunt Valley, MD 21030
RE:Traffic ImpactStudy –Point by Point Letter
Mitchell Property Warehouse Development – MD 159
Revised Traffic Impact Study Dated June 2022
Harford County TIA 63502021, version 2
T/C 3762
Dear Ms. Samanta:
We are addressing your July, 18 2022 comments with this point-by-point response letter.
MDOT SHA Comments and conclusions:
1.Trip Generation – The revised trip generation utilizes ITE Trip Generation Manual 11
Edition Land Use 155 (High-Cube Fulfillment Center Warehouse – Non-Sort). In the
Manual for Land Use 155, trip generations are provided for both “sort” and “non-sort”
facilities. ITE indicates a “sort” facility ships out smaller items, requiring extensive
sorting typically by manual means, and a “non- sort” facility is a fulfillment center that
ships large box items that are processed primarily with automation rather than through
manual means. The developer utilized the significantly less conservative non-sort facility
trip generation to calculate trips rather than a sort facility of the same size. (See table
below to see a comparison.) Based on the number of parking spaces called for (3,773
parking spaces and 2,178 trailer parking spaces for a total of 5,951 spaces), it appears
more likely the developer plans for it to operate as a sort facility. Therefore, we require the
developer to provide more detailed information as to the type / operation / employees
expected at the proposed facility. Until this information is provided to us, we cannot
provide detailed comments on the analysis and mitigation proposals in the TIS.
The Mitchell Property developer has provided Harford County and the MDOT SHA with
additional information concerning the proposed use. In its letter dated August, 16, 2022,
MDOT SHA has agreed that the proposed use is a non-sort warehouse as described in the
TIS. Changes have been made to the site plan to reflect the non-sort warehouse use,
reduced car and truck parking, and the expected peak employee shifts. The TIS
incorporates the agreed upon revised trip generation based upon ITE Trip Generation
Manual 11th Edition Land Use 155 (High-Cube Fulfillment Center Warehouse – Non-
7525 Connelley Drive • Suite B • Hanover, MD 21076 • Phone (410) 760-2911
Ms. Sutapa Samanta. P.E.
September 27, 2022
Page 2 of 5
2.Adequacy of Roadway Network - Since it is anticipated a much larger quantity of trucks
and passenger vehicles will be using the state roadway network (MD 543, US 40, MD 159,
MD 7, etc.) in the area because of the proposed development, the developer will be
required to determine whether the existing roadways’ pavement design is adequate
especially due to the increase in truck volumes.
This comment appears to be derived from the MDOT SHA assertion that the project is a
warehouse “sort” facility. However, with new information provided to MDOT SHA, the
MDOT SHA has agreed that the proposed use is a traditional “non-sort” warehouse. The
truck trips as shown in the traffic study and listed below were determined with the ITE,
Trip Generation Manual 11
Edition. The truck trips are typical for the use and size of the
proposed warehouse development. The road classifications and existing peak hour
percentages of heavy vehicles for the State roadways are also summarized in the table
below. These roads are designed by the MDOT SHA in consideration of the expected
volumes and truck percentages. While the traffic impact study addresses APFO based upon
volume capacity, not pavement design, Traffic Concepts feels that the levels of service
from the intersections studied would be the best evidence that the MDOT SHA’s road
design is adequate to support the proposed trips from this project. The traffic impact study
includes the heavy truck percentages as noted in the table below.
High Cube Fulfillment Center Warehouse
ITE LUC 155 (Non-sort Facility)
5,200,000 gsf 632148 324 508
Trucks Trips (30%) 19044 97152
Passenger Vehicles (70%) 442104 227356
STATE CLASSIFICATION Peak Hour % of Heavy Trucks
ROADWAY (from SHA data –see attached)
MD 543Minor Arterial12%
US 40Principal Arterial 10%
MD 159 (Old Minor Arterial No Data Available
Philadelphia Road)
MD 7Minor Arterial No Data Available
MD 132Minor Arterial 5%
MD 22 Principal Arterial 5%
MD 715Minor Arterial No Data Available
MD 159 (Perryman Major Collector 15% (see attached traffic count
Road)conducted by TCI)
7525 Connelley Drive • Suite B • Hanover, MD 21076 • Phone (410) 760-2911 • Fax (410) 760-2915
Ms. Sutapa Samanta. P.E.
September 27, 2022
Page 3 of 5
3.Truck Percentages – MDOT SHA understands the County’s comment on truck percentages
to be used in analysis; however, we recommend looking at actual site generated truck
volumes to total future traffic volumes to determine if the 10% truck percentage rate should
be extended beyond the specific roadways mentioned. If trip generation is revised based on
other comments, recommend reviewing truck percentages after volumes are revised.
The original traffic impact study scope of services required the developer to use the Harford
County warehouse rates that were developed by County engineers using existing warehouse
facilities located on the Perryman Peninsula. The scope of services did not specify that the
truck trips must be determined separate from the passenger car trips. The MDOT SHA
officials were present at this meeting.
After the traffic study was submitted for review, County and MDOT SHA reversed the
former trip generation decision and stated all new site trips would be generated with ITE
data. The ITE data includes a heavy truck rate percentage. The use of the ITE Trip
Generation Manual complies with the Harford County APFO. Therefore, additional changes
to the trip generation, as stated in the current revised traffic study are not warranted.
Nonetheless, Traffic Concepts counted the existing traffic volumes on September 7, 2022
starting at 6AM for a period of 24 hours along Perryman Road (south of the MD 159
roundabout). The existing truck trips make up 15% of the total vehicles on Perryman Road
during the morning peak hour (note that the evening peak hour is lower at 13%). Therefore,
the TIS has been revised to include 15% heavy vehicles for the Perryman Road peninsula.
Please note that the peak hour percentage of heavy vehicles included in the attached revised
TIS include those noted in the chart above under comment #2.
4.MD 159 and Spesutia Road - On page 38, the analysis of MD 159 and Spesutia Road
indicates a traffic signal is warranted based on only Warrant 3 (Peak Hour Warrant). A
complete traffic signal warrant analysis should be conducted and included in the next
submission using ITE trip generation time of day distribution.
Traffic Concepts performed a complete traffic signal warrant analysis for this
intersection, which is included in the attached revised TIS. As noted in the analysis, a
traffic signal is not warranted at this intersection under the existing or the full build out
traffic conditions. However, in order to alleviate any concerns that MDOT SHA may
have regarding this intersection, the Developer agrees to prepare an updated traffic
signal warrant analysis after occupancy of each building. If the analysis shows a traffic
signal is warranted, the Developer will design and install the traffic signal upon MDOT
SHA and Harford County approval.
In addition, and in order to mitigate the traffic impacts associated with the proposed
development, the Developer proposes to revise the geometry of this intersection. The
existing right turn lane from Spesutia Road to MD 159 will be widened and
channelization markings added to encourage right turning traffic to flow without
stopping, which does not exist today. Also, the existing small median along
southbound MD 159 will be removed to provide a wider left turn lane for trucks turning
into the private property across from Spesutia Road. This lane will also be extended to
provide a longer queue area for trucks without blocking southbound vehicles along MD
159 passing through the intersection. The existing channelized median on the private
leg of the intersection will be cut back to improve the turning radius for large vehicles
7525 Connelley Drive • Suite B • Hanover, MD 21076 • Phone (410) 760-2911 • Fax (410) 760-2915
Ms. Sutapa Samanta. P.E.
September 27, 2022
Page 4 of 5
entering the property. Field observations show that these intersection modifications
will improve the flow of traffic and shorten delay times for the left turning vehicles
from northbound MD 159 and eastbound Spesutia Road. A conceptual mitigation plan
has been included in the revised TIS.
5.MD 159 and Chelsea Road - On page 39, the analysis of the intersection of MD 159 and
Chelsea Road indicates a traffic signal is warranted based on only Warrant 3 (Peak Hour
Warrant). A complete traffic signal warrant analysis should be conducted and included in
the next submission.
Traffic Concepts performed a complete traffic signal warrant analysis for this intersection,
which is included in the attached revised TIS. A signal warrant analysis was conducted for
the existing and future traffic volumes. Warrants are not met for the existing traffic
conditions. However, the future volume test determined that Warrant 1 (Eight-Hour
Vehicular Volume), Warrant 2 (Four-Hour Vehicular Volume), and Warrant 3 (Peak Hour
Volume) are satisfied.
Alternatively, and in order to mitigate the traffic impacts associated with the proposed
development, the Developer proposes to revise the geometry of this intersection to create
a Maryland T style intersection. The primary delays of this intersection are left turns
from northbound MD 159 onto Chelsea Road. The proposed Maryland T improvement
mitigates the delays and results in an acceptable level of service. A conceptual
mitigation plan has been provided in the revised TIS.
6.Perryman Road - Comment #3 mentioned the need to encourage vehicles coming to /
leaving from site to use Canning House Road (AKA Roadway A), and the response
indicated the assignment pattern has vehicles taking that route. However, the comment
also requested information as to mitigation and calming measure to ensure trucks do not
use Perryman Road. Please provide a response for this as well.
Canning House Road (Road “A”) will be signed in a way to discourage heavy truck traffic
from using the residential portion along MD 159. Multiple, multilingual "No Truck
Turning” signs will be posted in intervals along relocated Canning House Road before the
proposed intersection at MD 159. These signs will meet AASHTO standards. In addition,
“No Truck Turning” signs will be posted at the intersection of Canning House Road and
MD 159. A detailed signing plan will be prepared and included with the final plans. The
Developer will instruct each tenant that all trucks are required to be routed along Canning
House Road and truck traffic on MD 159 is prohibited.
7.Proposed MD 715 at Woodley Road (extended) signalized intersection has been
removed from the study by the developer.
Harford County staff requested the removal of this Capital Improvement Project from
the traffic study including the intersection of MD 715 @ Woodley Road.
8.Queuing Analysis – Please confirm the queuing analysis and storage lengths required
considered the longer lengths of trucks due to the high truck percentage.
The queuing analyses conducted with the HCM and the SimTraffic program accounted for
the heavy truck percentages.
7525 Connelley Drive • Suite B • Hanover, MD 21076 • Phone (410) 760-2911 • Fax (410) 760-2915
Ms. Sutapa Samanta. P.E.
September 27, 2022
Page 5 of 5
9.To aid in the review of futures submissions, any differences between the last submission
and the current one should be made obvious to the reviewer. For example, italics or
highlights could be used to indicate any revisions to the text.
The attachedrevised TIStext changes areitalicized.
10.Between the original TIS and the current revision, many of the key intersections were
renumbered. To be consistent, any future revisions must use the same key intersection
numbering as in this revision. If a key intersection is removed from the study, please make
a note of it on each applicablesheet.
The attached September 2022 revised TIS uses the same key intersection numbering as the
June 2022 TIS revision.
11.Exhibits 2B, 3B, 7B – The intersection #18 label in the line diagram should be replaced
by labels for Intersections #18a and #18b in the figures to correspond with the volume
The stated exhibits are revised in the September 2022 TIS revision.
12.Since no legend is on Exhibit 3B, provide label for proposed Canning House Road. The
current label only shows that Canning House Road is beingrelocated at MD 159 but
does not demonstrate that the northeast portion of the roadway being proposed and does
not currentlyexist.
Exhibit 3B has been revised to demonstrate the northeast portion of the roadway is proposed
and does not currently exist.
Mark Keeley, PTP
Project Manager
Attachments: Truck Count Data
Revised TIS
7525 Connelley Drive • Suite B• Hanover, MD 21076 • Phone (410) 760-2911 • Fax (410) 760-2915
LOCATION:MD 159 (S. of MD 159 Roundabout)COUNTY:HARFORD
NB MD 159SB MD 159
6:00-7:00 AM
7:00-8:00 AM
8:00-9:00 AM
9:00-10:00 AM
10:00-11:00 AM
11:00 AM -12:00 PM
12:00-1:00 PM
1:00-2:00 PM
2:00-3:00 PM
3:00-4:00 PM 6368714%
4:00-5:00 PM
5:00-6:00 PM
6:00-7:00 PM
7:00-8:00 PM
8:00-9:00 PM
9:00-10:00 PM
10:00-11:00 PM
11:00 PM - 0:00 AM
0:00-1:00 AM
1:00-2:00 AM
2:00-3:00 AM
3:00-4:00 AM
4:00-5:00 AM
5:00-6:00 AM 3396218%
410 760 2911 (FAX) 410 760 2915