HomeMy WebLinkAbout2022-9-27 County Response TRAFFIC CONCEPTS, INC. • • • • Traffic Impact StudiesFeasibilityTraffic Signal DesignTraffic CountsExpert Testimony September 27, 2022 Mr. Alex Rawls Transportation Planner Harford County Government Department of Planning & Zoning 220 S. Main Street Bel Air, MD 21014 RE: Traffic Impact Study – Point by Point Letter Mitchell Property Warehouse TIA 63502021, version 2 T/C 3762 Dear Mr. Rawls: We are addressing you August 11, 2022 comments with this point-by-point response letter. •Trip Generation (ITE land use subcategory): It is our understanding that Chesapeake Real Estate Group is proposing a non-sort facility. Please confirm for trip generation purposes. We confirmed that the developer is proposing non-sort fulfillment warehouse uses (ITE land use code 155). The developer updated the site plan to state the non-sort fulfillment warehouse use, reduced car and trailer parking, and corrected the maximum employee shift. In a letter dated August 16, 2022, MDOT SHA concurs with the ITE land use 155 trip generation (see attached letter). •MD 543 @ MD 7: Exhibit 2A Lane Configuration shows a double right turn from westbound MD 7 onto northbound MD 543 but this improvement is not part of James Run Phase I improvements and has not been bonded. This improvement should be removed from the study. double right turn movement from westbound MD 7 onto northbound MD 543 The was removed from the updated traffic impact study. Traffic Concepts does not have trip generation information that coincides with the phasing plan attached to the James Run Site Plan Approval, therefore we have included the full build out of James Run in the background traffic condition. The Mitchell Farm developer will construct the subject improvement prior to the issuance of the first use & occupancy permit for the non-sort fulfillment warehouse, in the event that the James Run developer has not bonded the stated improvement. 7525 Connelley Drive • Suite B • Hanover, MD 21076 • Phone (410) 760-2911 Mr. Alex Rawls September 27, 2022 Page 2 of 4 • MD 159 @ Canning House Road: Harford County concurs with the MDOT SHA comment regarding the labeling of this intersection on Exhibits 2B, 3B and 7B. The intersection #18 label in the line diagram should be replaced by labels for intersections #18a and #18b in the figures to correspond with the volume figures. The exhibits 2B, 3B, and 7B will be revised as requested. • Diverted Trips: The study refers to Exhibit 7C identifying diverted traffic volumes. However, there isno Exhibit 7C provided in thestudy. Exhibit 7C is provided with attached revised traffic study. Please note that the diverted trips shown on Exhibit 7C are included in the final analysis. This correction does not impact the study conclusions. • Proposed Road Connection: In the Future Condition section of the study, two-thirds of the outbound existing peninsula trips from Canning House Road and MD 159, and all the proposed new trips from the site are diverted onto the new road - Canning House Extended. Justification has not been provided for diverting this amount of the outbound existing and new traffic. We diverted the trips onto the extended Canning House Road under the assumption travelers will use the newly constructed commercial road. This new roadway will not have any residential driveways and the proposed intersection at Chelsea Road has left and right turn lanes along Canning House Road. In addition, signage will be provided to direct motorists to utilize Canning House Road Extended to reach MD 159. •MD 159 @ Chelsea Road: The existing lane configuration for northbound ChelseaRoadshownonExhibit2Bisincorrect.Theapproachshouldbe shown and analyzed as one northbound left turn lane and one northbound through lane . We agree that is the way the lanes are striped and have revised the study accordingly. A conceptual mitigation plan for this intersection is included in the attached revised TIS. • MD 159 @ Chelsea Road: The mitigation identified at this failing intersection is to monitor the intersection during buildout and install a traffic signal if warranted and approved by MOOT SHA. If the signal isn't warranted, other mitigation options must be considered and identified in the study. Traffic Concepts performed a complete traffic signal warrant analysis for this intersection, which is included in the attached revised TIS. As noted in the analysis, a traffic signal is warranted at this intersection with the full build out of the proposed development. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7525 Connelley Drive • Suite B • Hanover, MD 21076 • Phone (410) 760-2911 • Fax (410) 760-2915 Mr. Alex Rawls September 27, 2022 Page 3 of 4 In order to alleviate any concerns that MDOT SHA may have regarding this intersection, the Developer agrees to prepare an updated traffic signal warrant analysis after occupancy of each building. If the analysis shows a traffic signal is warranted, the Developer will design and install the traffic signal upon MDOT-SHA and Harford County approval. If the installation of a traffic signal is not approved by MDOT SHA, the County will require other mitigation options. As such, the Developer’s alternative mitigation plan is to construct a Maryland T intersection. The undue delay at this intersection is the left turn movement from northbound MD 159 onto Chelsea Road. The proposed Maryland T improvement mitigates the delays to acceptable level of service. The level of service results and conceptual mitigation plan are provided in the revised TIS. • MD 159 (Perryman Road): Explain the diverted trips from northbound MD 159 on exhibit 11B. Trips from intersection #17 (MD 159 @ Fords Lane) to intersection #14 (MD 159@ Chelsea Road) do not add up during . the AM peak These volumes would not add up. The difference in trips is due to the numerous driveway cuts, commercial businesses along MD 159 and E. Michaelsville Road that connects MD 159 to Chelsea Road. • MD 159 @ Spesutia Road: The mitigation identified at this failing intersection is to monitor the intersection during buildout and install a traffic signal if warranted and approved by MDOT SHA. If the signal isn't warranted, other mitigation options must be considered and identified in the study. Traffic Concepts performed a complete traffic signal warrant analysis for this intersection, which is included in the attached revised TIS. As noted in the analysis, a traffic signal is not warranted at this intersection under the existing or the full build out traffic conditions. In order to mitigate the traffic impacts associated with the proposed development, the Developer proposes to revise the geometry at this intersection. The existing free right turn lane from Spesutia Road to MD 159 will be widened and channelization markings added to encourage right turning traffic to flow without stopping. Also, the existing small median along southbound MD 159 will be removed to provide a wider left turn lane for trucks turning into the private property across from Spesutia Road. This lane will also be extended to provide a longer queue area for trucks without blocking southbound vehicles along MD 159 passing through the intersection. The existing channelized median on the private leg of the intersection will be cut back to improve the turning radius for large vehicles entering the property. Field observations show that these intersection modifications will improve the flow of traffic and shorten delay times for the left turning vehicles from northbound MD 159 and eastbound Spesutia Road. A conceptual mitigation plan has been included in the revised TIS. ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7525 Connelley Drive • Suite B • Hanover, MD 21076 • Phone (410) 760-2911 • Fax (410) 760-2915 Mr. Alex Rawls September 27, 2022 Page 4 of 4 •Chelsea Road @ Woodley Road:Because this intersection wasn't recounted, there is a major difference between the volumes counted at intersection #15 (Chelsea Road @ Proposed Canning House Road Extended) and intersection #16 (Chelsea Road @ Woodley Road). Carry thevolumes from intersection . #15 to intersection #16 and distribute Traffic Concepts recounted both intersections on Wednesday, September 7, 2022. The results are included in the attached revised TIS. •MD 7 @ Stepney Road: The analysis includes a signal at this intersection under background and future conditions. While thereare funds available for this intersection, MDOT SHA approval is required for theinstallation of a traffic signal. If the installation of a traffic signal is not approved by MDOT SHA, other mitigation options must be considered and identified. The Mitchell Property developer will extend the southbound Stepney Road left turn lane to provide 25-feet of additional storage plus deceleration and taper. The developer will place in escrow the cost to design and construct this geometric improvement. This mitigation measure is the same condition placed on the James Run developer and other developers. •US 40@ MD 132: The SimTraffic Queuing Analysis shows insufficient storage for the northbound US 40 left turn lane. The developer is required to mitigatethe impact at this intersection due tothis project. The developer will extend the left turn by 25 feet or the length of onevehicle. This mitigation measure is discussed in the attached revised TIS. •Synchro: The westbound MD 7 right turnAM and PMvolumes at MD 543 in the synchro does not match the volumesin exhibit1lA. The intersection now reflects a single right turn lane and the volumes in the synchro match the volumes in Exhibit 11A. Sincerely, TRAFFICCONCEPTS,INC. Mark Keeley, PTP Project Manager MKeeley@traffic-concepts.com Attachments: Revised TIS Concept Plans ______________________________________________________________________________________ 7525 Connelley Drive • Suite B • Hanover, MD 21076 • Phone (410) 760-2911 • Fax (410) 760-2915 August 16, 2022 Mr. Mark Keeley Traffic Concepts, Inc. 7525 Connelley Drive, Suite B Hanover MD 21076 Dear Mr. Keeley: Thank you for the opportunity to review the Point-by-Point response prepared by Traffic Concepts, Inc. for Mitchell Property Warehouse Development in Harford County. Additional information has also been provided by Whit MacCuaig, Vice President, Chesapeake Real Estate Group regarding the nature or the proposed facility. The Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration (MDOT SHA) has completed our review for this project as currently proposed in the submission listed below. Mitchell Property Warehouse Development MD 159 MDOT SHA Tracking No. 21APHA021XX Point-by-Point Response Letter Dated July 29, 2022 Whit MacCuaig Email Dated August 15, 2022 Harford County As previously noted, the most recently submitted site plan clearly states the development is expected to have 2389 employees in the largest shift. This raises some questions as to why you are only expecting 832 peak hour trips. The email from Whit MacCuaig indicates the number of employees listed on the site plan is an error. The email confirms that the proposed development will be a non-sort fulfillment center with approximately 975 employees during the largest shift. The email further confirms that the site plan will be revised to accurately state the expected number of employees during the largest shift and to reduce the number of parking spaces. Based on this information, MDOT SHA agrees to using trip generation numbers for Land Use 155 (High Non-Sort Cube Fulfillment Center Warehouse ). The remaining comments numbers 2 12 from our July 18, 2022 letter still need to be addressed in a point-by-point response. Please submit a revised TIS and updated synchro analysis along with a point-by-point response to the comments in the July 18, 2022 letter. Submissions must be made through the MDOT SHA Salesforce electronic submission portal located at the following link, https://mdotsha.force.com/accesspermit/login?ec=302&inst=1B&startURL=%2Faccesspermit. Please reference the MDOT SHA tracking number on any future submissions. 320 West Warren Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21030 | 410.229.2300 | 1.866.998.0367 | Maryland Relay TTY 800.735.2258 | roads.maryland.gov Mr. Mark Keeley Page Two If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact Mr. Kimon Johnson via email at kjohnson5@mdot.maryland.govor Teresa Eller via email at teller@mdot.maryland.gov. Sincerely, Sutapa Samanta, P.E. Acting Metropolitan District Engineer Maryland Department of Transportation State Highway Administration District 4 Baltimore and Harford Counties cc:Mr. Bruce Appell, Department of Public Works, Harford County Mr. Whit MacCuaig, Vice President, Chesapeake Real Estate Group Mr. Alex Rawls, Harford County Planning and Zoning Mr. Kayode Adenaiya, Transportation Engineer, OOTS, MDOT SHA Ms. Obianuju Ani, Transportation Engineer, OOTS, MDOT SHA Ms. Rola Daher, Consultant for MDOT, TFAD, MDOT SHA Ms. Teresa Eller, Transportation Engineer, District Four Access Management, MDOT SHA Ms. Sarah Gary, Consultant for MDOT, TFAD, MDOT SHA Ms. Erin Kuhn, Assistant District Engineer for Traffic, District Four, MDOT SHA Ms. Tina Saxon, Administrative Assistant, OPPE RIPD, MDOTSHA Ms. Lisa Shemer, Division Chief, OPPE, TFAD, MDOT SHA Ms. Lisa Sirota, Regional Planner, RIPD, MDOT SHA Mr. William Stroud, Assistant Division Chief, TDSD, MDOT SHA file/Keeleyha0021 81622