HomeMy WebLinkAboutDAC 05-17-17
The Development Advisory Committee (DAC) met on May 17, 2017 at 9:00 a.m. in the
First Floor Conference Room, 220 S. Main Street, Bel Air, Maryland. The meeting was chaired by
Moe Davenport, Department of Planning and Zoning.
The following members were in attendance:
Moe Davenport Chairman, DAC
Bill Snyder Volunteer Fire & EMS
Robin Wales Department of Emergency Services
Patrick Jones Soil Conservation District
David Burke Water & Sewer
Mike Rist DPW Engineering
Rich Zeller State Highway Administration
Jennifer Wilson Planner, Development Review
Ras Cannady Planner, Development Review
Also in attendance were:
Gerry Powell Dan Wise
Patrick Fischer Mary Byrne
Eileen Frado Rick Starkloff
Paul Lubertine Donna Bladed
Joe McAdams Whit Maccuaig
Moe Davenport, of the Department of Planning and Zoning, welcomed everyone to the meeting.
He explained there is one plan on the agenda. Mr. Davenport explained that a brief presentation
will be given by the consultant for the project. The DAC members will give their comments on
the project. The meeting will then be opened up for anyone in attendance that may have
questions or comments. If anyone has questions that are not answered, there are information
request forms that can be filled out and submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning and
they will be responded to in writing. There is an attendance sheet circulating for everyone to
sign. If a correct address is given, a copy of the minutes will be mailed or e-mailed. The minutes
are recorded and
Located on the south side of Trimble Road at the end of Fulfillment Drive. Tax Map 69; Parcel 58.
First Election District. Council District A. Planner Jennifer.
Plan No. P222-2017 Sub-divide remaining lands to create two lots/48.727 acres/GI.
Received 04-19-17 Chesapeake Real Estate Group/Greg Trimble LLC/FWA.
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Located on the south side of Trimble Road at the end of Fulfillment Drive. Tax Map 69; Parcel 58.
First Election District. Council District A. Planner Jennifer.
Plan No. S223-2017 Construct 210,000 sf Warehouse Building on lot 4 & 190,400 sf
Warehouse Building on lot 5/48.727 acres/GI.
Received 04-19-17 Chesapeake Real Estate Group/Greg Trimble LLC/FWA.
Verbatim Transcript
Gerry Powell with Frederick Ward & Associates presented the plan:
consisting of two warehouses around 400,000 sf of space. The property is all zoned general
industrial and is approximately 100 acres, the portion that we are developing. The property is
located on Trimble Road next to and behind the Kohls E-fulfillment center developed in February
2011 and was formerly known as the GAP. The GAP was approved for development in August
2007. The portion of the site subject to this meeting is presently undeveloped. However, it
received previous development approval in September 2008. Prior to these approvals as far back
as 1990 the site was cleared and graded for development that looked pretty much like the
development we are proposing today. The development is subject to the conditions of a Board of
Appeals case 3916 for disturbance of the Natural Resource District. The subject property is
presently made up of two lots, lot #2 and lot #3 and remaining tracks. The remaining tracks are
what we are proposing to sub-divide and develop into two lots 4 and 5 with around 400,000 sf as
I previously said of warehouse space. Access is from Fulfillment Drive a public road intersecting
Trimble Road. Fulfillment Drive will be extended as a public road to the limits of the public right
of way ending in a cul-de-sac feature and private access will extend to the individual lots. The
development will be served by public water and sewer. Public water from Trimble Road. Public
sewer from sewer that traverses the property. Stormwater Management Concept has been
submitted to the county more specifically we propose to use the existing stormwater
management pond #2 which is located on lot #2 to intercept and manage the portion of our
development it was designed to capture and manage. We propose to use other methods such as
micro-facilities, sand filters and shallow gravel wetlands to provide quality management receiving
the run-off from the development before conveying the drainage to larger quantity ponds that
control the run-off to match the existing hydrology of the property. Landscape and lighting plan
for the development has been submitted to Harford County for review. At the present time there
are no perspective tenants. That concludes my presentation.
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Bill Snyder Volunteer Fire and EMS
No comments on the Preliminary.
For the Site: Recommend the usage of non-combustible landscaping directly next to the
buildings. Traditional, wooden-mulch increases likelihood of nuisance fires from outdoor
Building shall have a Knox Key Box installed if it has an automatic sprinkler system or a
supervised, automatic fire detection system per NFPA 1, Part III, 3-6. Key Box shall be keyed for
the Joppa-Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company: 410-676-0888.
Robin Wales Department of Emergency Services
On the preliminary plan, lot 5 will be addressed #101 Fulfillment Drive and lot 4 will be addressed
#102 Fulfillment Drive. These addresses will work if displayed properly, available, and approved
by planning & zoning.
addresses must be clearly visible from Fulfillment Drive or have a sign with the addresses &
names with directional arrows.
occupying the structure as well as fire, law enforcement and emergency medical providers
responding to a call for help. Buildings that are greater than 5,000 square feet, higher than 50
feet, contain underground storage or parking and are constructed of materials that impede
wireless radio signals that may adversely affect the response of public safety providers. Please
consider including wiring, electrical connections and other infrastructure that may be needed for
an in-building 800 MHz amplifier. Department of Emergency Services will test coverage in your
facility once construction is finished. Call 410-638-
Emergency Services must have a list of at least 3 (three) emergency contacts for notification,
response, and securing purposes if the facilities are not in operation 24 hours a day.
Patrick Jones - Soil Conservation District
For the site plan: Concept SWM plans have been submitted and reviewed.
An adequate sediment and erosion control plan needs to be approved before a grading permit
can be issued. The sediment and erosion control plan must be integrated with the SWM strategy
at the design phase. The new 2011 Maryland Standard and Specification for Soil Erosion and
Sediment Control must be utilized.
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An NOI permit is required from MDE when a project disturbs more than 1 acre. Please contact
MDE about the NOI permit process.
Attached is information pertaining to the fee system for the review of sediment and erosion
control plans. Please contact Bill Tharpe, 410.838.6181 x3, with questions about this information.
This fee will be collected prior to the review of the site development plan.
Len Walinski Health Department
Preliminary Comments:
The Harford County Health Department (HCHD) has extended its approval for the above
referenced preliminary plan. The site is located on the south side of Trimble Road at the end of
Fulfillment Drive.
This plan proposes to subdivide the remaining lands to create two (2) additional lots. Lots 4 and 5
are unimproved and will be serviced by public water and sewer.
Additional comments will be provided upon review of the site plan.
Site Comments:
The Harford County Health Department (HCHD) has extended its approval for the above referenced site
plan. The site is located on the south side of Trimble Road at the end of Fulfillment Drive.
This plan proposes to construct a 210,000 sq. ft. warehouse building on Lot 4 and a 190,400 sq. ft.
warehouse building on Lot 5. The site is serviced by public water and sewer.
This office has the following comments regarding this proposal:
1.If the site will be used for the warehousing, distribution, packaging or processing of food or food
products, review will be required by the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH),
Division of Food Control. If there are any questions regarding this review, please contact Ms.
Gwendolyn John at 410-767-8412.
2.Additional comments from this office will be provided at the time of the building permit or
tenant/occupancy permit. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to be aware of any
regulatory requirements for the proposed use and for obtaining appropriate permits.
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3.The owner/developer is reminded that during the development of this project when soil moisture
conditions are low, measures must be implemented to prevent the generation of dust until a
permanent vegetative cover is established and all paving is completed.
If you have any questions feel free to call.
Dave Burke Water & Sewer
Preliminary Comments:
If another series of this plan is submitted, then the Division of Water
and Sewer would like an opportunity to comment on that series.
Water adequate inadequate - see comments
Sewer X adequate inadequate
A flow test must be performed to determine the water pressures and flows that are available for
the design of this project. The flow test must be submitted to the Division of Water and Sewer for
review and analysis regarding adequate water facilities before we can recommend approval of
the Preliminary Plan. The test should be submitted to Mr. Ali Ghanavi at the Division of Water
and Sewer. You may contact him for additional information concerning the test.
The required fire flow from the public main which serves Lots 4 and 5 is 2500 gallons per minute.
The water main which will serve these lots must be sized to provide this flow without violating
the design criteria in the Design Guidelines or the Ten State Standards. The public water main
shall terminate at the point where the access drive splits to serve each of the individual lots. Fire
hydrants must be located every 300 feet along the main.
If there are existing underground utilities along the western side of Fulfillment Drive, then the
proposed water main may not be located there unless the water main can be placed a minimum
of ten feet away from the existing utility.
The method of connecting into the existing water main in Trimble Road will be determined during
the review of the design drawings. The point of connection shown on this plan is not approved at
this time.
existing drainage and utility easement for the interceptor sewer.
There is an existing sewer service for Lot 5 in manhole SMH3 of Contract 19429. It shall be used
to serve the proposed building.
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The proposed retaining wall located at the west end of Lot 4 may not be located within the
drainage and utility easement.
Since the proposed use of this building is not yet known, the meter setting and backflow
preventer may be required to be placed within the building.
Sampling manholes shall be installed on the sewer service for each lot at the edge of the drainage
and utility easement.
Building permits for these lots may not be issued until the proposed public water main has been
designed, approved by the County, and bonded for construction.
A Public Works Utility Agreement (PWUA) is required for the construction of the public water
main associated with this project prior to the issuance of a building permit. It is the
Sewer, Permits Review Supervisor at 410-638-3300 to request the preparation of the PWUA
concurrent or following the submittal of the water and sewer contract drawings for this project.
Site Comments:
If another series of this plan is submitted, then the Division of Water
and Sewer would like an opportunity to comment on that series.
Water adequate inadequate - see comments
Sewer X adequate inadequate
A flow test must be performed to determine the water pressures and flows that are available for
the design of this project. The flow test must be submitted to the Division of Water and Sewer for
review and analysis regarding adequate water facilities before we can recommend approval of
the Site Plan. The test should be submitted to Mr. Ali Ghanavi at the Division of Water and Sewer.
You may contact him for additional information concerning the test.
The required fire flow from the public main which serves Lots 4 and 5 is 2500 gallons per minute.
The water main which will serve these lots must be sized to provide this flow without violating
the design criteria in the Design Guidelines or the Ten State Standards. The public water main
shall terminate at the point where the access drive splits to serve each of the individual lots. Fire
hydrants must be located every 300 feet along the main.
If there are existing underground utilities along the western side of Fulfillment Drive, then the
proposed water main may not be located there unless the water main can be placed a minimum
of ten feet away from the existing utility.
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The method of connecting into the existing water main in Trimble Road will be determined during
the review of the design drawings. The point of connection shown on this plan is not approved at
this time.
existing drainage and utility easement for the interceptor sewer.
There is an existing sewer service for Lot 5 in manhole SMH3 of Contract 19429. It shall be used
to serve the proposed building.
The proposed retaining wall located at the west end of Lot 4 may not be located within the
drainage and utility easement.
Since the proposed use of this building is not yet known, the meter setting and backflow
preventer may be required to be placed within the building.
Sampling manholes shall be installed on the sewer service for each lot at the edge of the drainage
and utility easement.
Building permits for these lots may not be issued until the proposed public water main has been
designed, approved by the County, and bonded for construction.
Any sewer cleanouts that are located within the paved area shall be installed using the County
cleanout in paving detail S-28. The detail shall be shown on the utility plan and referenced on the
plan and/or profile drawing.
The construction contract numbers for the existing utilities shall be shown on the drawing
submitted with the Commercial Application.
A Public Works Utility Agreement (PWUA) is required for the construction of the public water
main associated with this project prior to the issuance of a building permit. It is the
Sewer, Permits Review Supervisor at 410-638-3300 to request the preparation of the PWUA
concurrent or following the submittal of the water and sewer contract drawings for this project.
A Commercial Service Application must be completed by the owner and approved by Harford
County before a building permit will be issued for this project. Contact the Division of Water and
Sewer Administration and Permitting Section at 410-638-3300 for additional information.
Trees may not be placed within the drainage and utility easements or the SHA road right-of-way
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have an opportunity to review the landscaping plan before it is approved by the Department of
Planning and Zoning, to verify that this condition has been met. Approval of the Commercial
Application for this project will not be granted until the landscaping plan is acceptable to the
Division of Water and Sewer.
Mike Rist DPW Engineering
A sediment control plan and a grading permit will be required for the development of this site.
Sediment controls are to be designed to the specifications as set forth in the Maryland Standard
for Erosion and Sediment Control, latest edition.
Stormwater quantity management has been provided in the Regional Facility.
Additional management must be provided for this site in accordance with the 2000 Design
Manual as amended by Supplement 1.
A stormwater management concept plan has been submitted for review and must be approved
prior to preliminary plan approval. Comments must be addressed on subsequent stormwater
plan submittals.
A maintenance inspection shall be conducted for the existing pond providing stormwater
management for the site. Any items listed on the inspection report shall be completed as a
condition of the grading permit for the site,
The final stormwater management plan shall be approved prior to the issuance of a grading
permit. A stormwater management permit is required prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Maintenance of the existing regional stormwater management quantity facility (facilities) is (are)
the responsibility of the owner(s) and shall be stipulated in the association documents.
Stormwater management practices located on individual lots are the maintenance responsibility
of the owner.
All pavement striping and traffic control signs shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices and State Highway Administration Supplement.
Road plans will need to be approved and a Public Works Agreement will need to be executed
prior to the issuance of building permits for the site.
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Fulfillment Drive shall be con
Standard. The existing cul de sac shall be removed and the existing entrance shall be re-
constructed to meet County standards.
The access onto the proposed cul de sac shall be offset so as not to appear to be the through
Thank you I have no comment.
Rich Zeller State Highway Administration
The SHA has no objection to Preliminary Plan approval as there are no right-of-way impacts to a
state road, and no objection to Site Plan approval as the proposed access is to a county road.
If there are any questions, please contact Mr. Richard Zeller at 410-229-2332 or toll free (in
Maryland only) at 1-866-998-0367 x2332 or by email rzeller@sha.state.md.us.
Jennifer Wilson Planner
1.This project is subject to the terms and conditions of Board of Appeals Case Number 3916.
2.The Site Plan is generally consistent with the Limit of Disturbance as approved by Case
Number 3916.
3.I have no other comments at this time.
Public Comments
There were no public comments.
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Located on the southeastern intersection of Pulaski Highway (Route 40) and Oak Avenue. Tax
Map 65; Parcel 178, 434 & 443. First Election District. Council District A. Planner Ras.
Plan No. P224-2017 Consolidate existing Lots/10.34 acres/B3.
Received 04-19-17 Von Paris Storage Warehouses, Inc./The Patina Group/FWA.
Located on the southeastern intersection of Pulaski Highway (Route 40) and Oak Avenue. Tax
Map 65; Parcel 178, 434 & 443. First Election District. Council District A. Planner Ras.
Plan No. S225-2017 Construction Services & Suppliers with 10,000 sf Bldg. w/storage
Yard; (future 10,000 sf Bldg.)/10.34 acres/B3.
Received 04-19-17 Von Paris Storage Warehouses, Inc./The Patina Group/FWA.
Gerry Powell with Frederick Ward & Associates presented the plan:
Again, my name is Gerry Powell with Frederick Ward & Associates and I am presenting a site and
preliminary plan for Ferguson Waterworks consisting of a proposed 10,000 sf building with
potential of expanding another 10,000 sf. There are three parcels all zoned general business B3
and approximately a total of 10.4 acres. The property is located on the south east corner of the
intersection of US Route 40/Pulaski Highway and Oak Avenue in Joppa, Maryland. The property
was approved for development in June of 2005 for a 44,000 sf building with potential of
expanding another 31,000 sf for a total of 75,000 sf and this use never went forward. Again, the
owners requested approval for a 35,000 sf building and proposed expansion of 17,000 sf in March
of 2008 which also never moved forward. We are requesting access from Pulaski Highway and
Oak Avenue. The development will be served by public water and sewer. Public water from Oak
Avenue. Public sewer from sewer that is parallel to Pulaski Highway and on our side of the road.
Stormwater Management Concept has been submitted to the county more specifically we
propose to use a pond to provide quantity management and other methods such as micro-
facilities to provide quality management receiving the run-off from the development before
convening the draining to a storm drain system in Pulaski Highway. Landscape and lighting plans
for the development has been submitted to Harford County for review. The tenant is Ferguson
Waterworks they are an established identity in the White Marsh area and they wish to expand.
They have been in the White Marsh area since 1992 and wish to expand to Harford County in this
location. This concludes my presentation.
Bill Snyder Volunteer Fire and EMS
I have a question first, the outdoor storage area in the rear, what type of items will be housed
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Gerry Powell Because they are a waterworks I would have to say as an analogy Northeastern
Bill Snyder - Recommend the usage of non-combustible landscaping directly next to the
buildings. Traditional, wooden-mulch increases likelihood of nuisance fires from outdoor
Building shall have a Knox Key Box installed if it has an automatic sprinkler system or a
supervised, automatic fire detection system per NFPA 1, Part III, 3-6. Key Box shall be keyed for
the Joppa-Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company: 410-676-0888.
Robin Wales Department of Emergency Services
On the preliminary plan, I have some questions. How many businesses will be in the retail
Gerry Powell One
Robin Wales - Are both buildings the same business or separate?
Gerry Powell At this time, it is my understanding that it is the same business.
Robin Wales - I will work with the planner when I have more information.
Gerry Powell Robin if that is different I will let you know.
Robin Wales ok
addresses must be clearly visible from Pulaski Hwy (US 40) / Oak Ave or have a sign with the
addresses & names with directional arrows. Will the storage yard be locked?
Gerry Powell There will probably so secure fencing around it. Yes,
Robin Wales - If so, Mr. Snyder will have information on a Knox Box.
ilding is essential to the safety of those
occupying the structure as well as fire, law enforcement and emergency medical providers
responding to a call for help. Buildings that are greater than 5,000 square feet, higher than 50
feet, contain underground storage or parking and are constructed of materials that impede
wireless radio signals that may adversely affect the response of public safety providers. Please
consider including wiring, electrical connections and other infrastructure that may be needed for
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an in-building 800 MHz amplifier. Department of Emergency Services will test coverage in your
facility once construction is finished. Call 410-638-
Emergency Services must have a list of at least 3 (three) emergency contacts for notification,
response, and securing purposes if the facilities are not in operation 24 hours a day.
Patrick Jones Soil Conservation District
Concept SWM plans have been submitted and reviewed.
An adequate sediment and erosion control plan needs to be approved before a grading permit
can be issued. The sediment and erosion control plan must be integrated with the SWM strategy
at the design phase. The new 2011 Maryland Standard and Specifications for Soil Erosion and
Sediment Control must be utilized.
A NOI permit is required from MDE when a project disturbs more than 1 acre. Please contact
MDE about the NO permit process.
Attached is information pertaining to the fee system for the review of sediment and erosion
control plans. Please contact Bill Tharpe, 410.838.6181 x3, with questions about this information.
This fee will be collected prior to the review of the site development plan.
Len Walinski Health Department
Preliminary Plan:
The Harford County Health Department (HCHD) has extended its approval for the above
referenced preliminary plan. The site is located on the southeastern intersection of Pulaski
Highway (U.S. Route 40) and Oak Avenue.
This plan proposes to consolidate existing tracts 178, 434, and 443 into a single 10.34 acre lot.
The site is unimproved and will be serviced by public water and sewer.
Additional comments will be provided upon review of the site plan.
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Site Plan:
The Harford County Health Department (HCHD) has extended its approval for the above
referenced site plan. The site is located on the southeastern intersection of Pulaski Highway (U.S.
Route 40) and Oak Avenue.
This plan proposes to construct a 10,000 sq. ft. building for construction services and supplies
with a storage yard. The site will be serviced by public water and sewer.
This office has the following comments regarding this project:
1.If automotive services are to be provided, various permits from Maryland Department of
these regulatory requirements and to obtain the appropriate permits.
2.Additional comments from this office will be provided at the time of the building permit
or tenant/occupancy permit. It is the responsibility of the owner/operator to be aware of
any regulatory requirements for the proposed use and for obtaining appropriate permits.
The owner/developer is reminded that during the development of this project when soil moisture
conditions are low, measures must be implemented to prevent the generation of dust until a
permanent vegetative cover is established and all paving is completed.
If you have any questions, feel free to call.
Dave Burke Water & Sewer
Preliminary Plan:
New Series Required: Yes No X
If another series of this plan is submitted, then the Division of Water
and Sewer would like an opportunity to comment on that series.
The Division of Water and Sewer has evaluated the proposed water and sewer utilities on this
plan and has determined that if the approval conditions are complied with, the adequacy
standards of the County Code will be met.
Water X adequate inadequate
Sewer X adequate inadequate
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The following comments shall be included as conditions of Preliminary Plan approval for the
above-described project:
If the water meter is placed outside in a vault, it must be placed within a suitably sized drainage
and utility easement.
A ten foot wide drainage and utility easement shall be placed along the entire road frontage of
Oak Avenue for the water main in addition to the proposed increased right of way.
There is an existing sewer house connection for this property located 188 feet from the manhole
at Oak Avenue. It shall be used to serve this project. A cleanout shall be placed on the sewer
service at the edge of the U.S. Route 40 right of way. Any sewer cleanouts that are located within
the paved area shall be installed using the County cleanout in paving detail S-28. The detail shall
be shown on the utility plan and referenced on the plan and/or profile drawing.
contract number will be 19927.
A Public Works Utility Agreement (PWUA) is required for the construction of the public water
main associated with this project prior to the issuance of a building permit. It is the
n of Water and
Sewer, Permits Review Supervisor at 410-638-3300 to request the preparation of the PWUA
concurrent or following the submittal of the water and sewer contract drawings for this project.
A building permit cannot be issued until the public utilities are either operational or bonded for
Trees may not be placed within the drainage and utility easements or the SHA road right-of-way
have an opportunity to review the landscaping plan before it is approved by the Department of
Planning and Zoning, to verify that this condition has been met. Approval of the Commercial
Application for this project will not be granted until the landscaping plan is acceptable to the
Division of Water and Sewer.
Site Plan:
New Series Required: Yes No X
If another series of this plan is submitted, then the Division of Water
and Sewer would like an opportunity to comment on that series.
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The Division of Water and Sewer has evaluated the proposed water and sewer utilities on this
plan and has determined that if the approval conditions are complied with, the adequacy
standards of the County Code will be met.
Water X adequate inadequate
Sewer X adequate inadequate
The following comments shall be included as conditions of Site Plan approval for the above-
described project:
If the water meter is placed outside in a vault, it must be placed within a suitably sized drainage
and utility easement.
A ten foot wide drainage and utility easement shall be placed along the entire road frontage of
Oak Avenue for the water main in addition to the proposed increased right of way.
There is an existing sewer connection for this property located 188 feet from the manhole at Oak
Avenue. It shall be used to serve this project. A cleanout shall be placed on the sewer service at
the edge of the U.S. Route 40 right of way. Any sewer cleanouts that are located within the paved
area shall be installed using the County cleanout in paving detail S-28. The detail shall be shown
on the utility plan and referenced on the plan and/or profile drawing.
contract number will be 19927.
A Public Works Utility Agreement (PWUA) is required for the construction of the public water
main associated with this project prior to the issuance of a building permit. It is the
act the Division of Water and
Sewer, Permits Review Supervisor at 410-638-3300 to request the preparation of the PWUA
concurrent or following the submittal of the water and sewer contract drawings for this project.
A building permit cannot be issued until the public utilities are either operational or bonded for
A Commercial Service Application must be completed by the owner and approved by Harford
County before a building permit will be issued for this project. Contact the Division of Water and
Sewer Administration and Permitting Section at 410-638-3300 for additional information.
The construction contract numbers for the existing water and sewer utilities shall be shown on
the drawing submitted with the Commercial Application.
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Trees may not be placed within the drainage and utility easements or the SHA road right-of-way
have an opportunity to review the landscaping plan before it is approved by the Department of
Planning and Zoning, to verify that this condition has been met. Approval of the Commercial
Application for this project will not be granted until the landscaping plan is acceptable to the
Division of Water and Sewer.
Mike Rist DPW Engineering
The following comments are offered by the Division of Highways & Stormwater Management on
the subdivision plan submitted:
A sediment control plan and a grading permit will be required for the development of this site.
Sediment controls are to be designed to the specifications as set forth in the Maryland Standard
for Erosion and Sediment Control, latest edition.
Stormwater Management must be provided in accordance with the 2000 Design Manuel as
amended by Supplement 1.
A stormwater management concept plan has been submitted for review and must be approved
prior to preliminary plan approval. Comments must be addressed on subsequent stormwater
plan submittals.
The final stormwater management plan shall be approved prior to the issuance of a grading
permit. A stormwater management permit is required prior to the issuance of a building permit.
Maintenance of the stormwater management quantity facility (facilities) is (are) the responsibility
of the owner(s).
Road plans will need to be approved and a Public Works Agreement will need to be executed
prior to the issuance of building permits for the site.
All pavement striping and traffic control signs shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic
Control Devices and State Highway Administration Supplement.
Road Standard, from Rte. 40 to the southerly entrance.
Roadside drainage shall be addressed along the remainder of the frontage
graded shoulder and side ditch or other measures to be determined during final design. A closed
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storm drain system shall be provided to the southerly entrance to accommodate flows along Oak
The entrance shall be designed to accommodate a WB-60 vehicle.
-of-way dedication is required along Oak Avenue.
No comment.
Rich Zeller State Highway Administration
Preliminary Plan
The SHA has no objection to Preliminary Plan approval as the existing right-of-way along this
property frontage on US 40 is sufficient for the SHA future needs.
Site Plan
An access permit will be required for entrance and road improvements on US 40 to this site. The
following criteria and details will apply and must be reflected on future plan submittals:
shall be provided. The existing shoulder along the entire property frontage must be removed and
replaced with a full depth SHA pavement section.
The entrance and widening for the limits noted above, from the edge of the existing travel lane
on US 40 and back to the radius returns within the entrance must be shaded or hatched, and the
following SHA full depth pavement section utilized and noted on the plan:
PG 64S-22, Level 2
PG 64S-22, Level 2 (2
Proposed curb & gutter for the entrance radii and along this entire property frontage within the
SHA right-of-
edge of the existing travel lane and shall be nosed down at the eastern
property line.
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To initiate the plan review cycle toward the issuance of the access permit the design engineer
must submit nine (9) sets of plans reflecting the above entrance and road improvements. The
submittal should include 1 set of hydraulic computations, and a CD containing plans and all
supporting documentation to Wendy Wolcott at 320 West Warren Road, Hunt Valley, MD 21030
to the attention of Mr. Richard Zeller. Please utilize the SHA tracking number when making this
All SHA Policies, Standards and Specifications must be followed when preparing the above plan
submittal including but not limited to the following documents:
SHA Access Manual
SHA Business Standards and Specifications
SHA Bicycle Policy and Design Guidelines
The Access Management Plan Review Checklist must be utilized in drafting the SHA Improvement
Plans. Please include a copy of the completed checklist when making this submittal. All of these
documents along with additional guidance can be found on our web site at
www.roads.maryland.gov under Business Center.
If there are any questions, please contact Mr. Richard Zeller at 410-229-2332 or toll free (in
Maryland only) at 1-866-998-0367 x2332 or by email rzeller@sha.state.md.us.
Ras Cannady Planner
This plan proposes the construction of a 10,000 square foot construction services and supplies
building with a 154,000 square foot contractor storage yard, and a future 10,000 square foot
warehouse expansion. A preliminary plan (P224-2017) and site plan (S225-2017) to consolidate
Parcels 178, 434, and 443 as well as construct a construction services and supplied building with
storage yard and a future warehouse expansion were submitted concurrently.
This plan needs to identify recorded lots 79-82 (Parcel 178), 137-141 (Parcel 434), and 131-135
(Parcel 443) on record plat 3/26, providing a detailed note clarifying their consolidation.
The subject property is also located within the Edgewood/Joppa Enterprise Zone and ƒğǤ be
eligible for real property tax credits for new construction and/or improvements to the property.
The owner/developer should contact the Harford County Office of Economic Development at
410-638-3598 for additional information.
A Landscaping Plan (L226-2017-1) has been submitted to the Department of Planning and Zoning,
and is under review.
Development Advisory Committee Minutes
May 17, 2017
Page 19 of 20
Lighting shall be designed and controlled so that any light shall be shaded, shielded or directed so
that the light intensity or brightness does not adversely affect the adjacent property.
Any proposed signage shall conform to the Sign Code and will require permits from the
Department of Planning and Zoning.
Moe Davenport I believe there are Buffer Yard C requirements, those need to be shown on the
t we will confirm that for you.
Public Comments
Mary Byrne I live at 705 Oak Road not Oak Avenue. My son lives at 703 Oak Roadand my
daughter at 704. I think this property is going to come right up to 703. My question is right now
it is woods with deer and everything. Are you going to all the way over to the edge of the
property or are you going to leave a buffer? What are your plans?
Mary Byrne - Oak Road is a private right of way that runs up to the woods where you are.
Gerry Powell
Moe Davenport Yes, it is on the east of the property.
Gerry Powell Is it still called Oak Avenue?
Mary Byrne No, it is Oak Road.
Gerry Powell We are required to have landscape buffers between our property. The County
has standards and requirements for what has to be planted and how that is going to be screened
and what goes in that buffer. We will maintain as much as possible there; grading is an issue but
whatever we take out we are going to re-populate with the required landscape to meet the
buffering requirements.
Moe Davenport They are clearing to the property line and then they will have to re-establish a
30 buffer yard according to the plan. So, they do plan to clear to the property line.
Mary Byrne To the property line?
Moe Davenport Yes, that is what the plan shows
Mary Byrne And thats the way it is
Development Advisory Committee Minutes
May 17, 2017
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Gerry Powell Yes mam.
Mary Byrne It is what it is, right?
Moe Davenport Gerry indicated that there may be areas that they keep along there.
Gerry Powell Yes, we will try to keep as much as possible.
Moe Davenport But the plan should demonstrate that.
Mary Byrne And, you said something about a pond? Where is that going to be?
Gerry Powell The pond is located up here further towards Route 40 next to the building and the
nucleus of the development itself. So it is tucked in there. There will be smaller what we call
micro-facilities, they are small rain gardens and ponds. It will be well landscaped and provide for
water quality. They wont be very deep like the quantity pond will be designed with some
storage in it. Again, that will be up on Pulaski Highway behind the business center there.
Mary Byrne So, the moving and storage is not going to be there?
Gerry Powell - Im sorry. There is a building there and that is being retained. That is someone
elses property. The pond is going to go on the development property that we are developing
and will be closer to Route 40.
Mary Byrne Ok, it is what it is.
Moe Davenport Mary, I can give you a copy of the plan if you would like to have it before you
Mary Byrne Because I have been there for 58 years and its been nice.
Moe Davenport Are there any other questions or comments on this plan? If not, that
concludes our meeting for today. Thank you very much for your attendance.
Meeting adjourned at 9:31 am.