HomeMy WebLinkAboutP11-009-1 Lot 1DAVID R. CRAIG "� �`� HARFOflO COUNTY EXECUTI4E � C. PETE GUTWALD ��,� DIRECTOR OF PLANNING AND ZONING MARY F. CHANCE DIRECTOR OF ADMINISTHATION �"� HARFORD COUNTY GOVERNMENT Department of Planning and Zoning FAST TRACK PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL SITE: Prologis Park Edgewood — Lot 1 PLAN NO.: P11-009 SUBMITTED: 2-2-11 REVISED: SERIES: 1 ENCLOSED AREA: 70.28 Acres ZONING: GI LOCATION: South side of Trimble Road west of MD Route 24; Tax Map 69, Parcels 14 & 58; First Election District. PURPOSE OF PLAN: To combine Lots 1 and 4. This plan proposes to combine Lots 1 and 4 of Prologis Park (formerly known as the Greater Harford Industrial Park). A site plan (S11-010) was submitted concurrently with this preliminary plan for the construction of a 399,500 square foot addition to an existing warehouse/o�ce building located on Lot 1. The final plat shall be recorded in the Harford County Land Records prior to building permit application for the proposed addition. A variance to disturb the non-tidal wetlands and 75-foot Natural Resource District (NRD) buffer was granted by the Board of Appeal in 1989 under Case No. 3916. All conditions of that approval shall remain applicable. No additional disturbance shall be permitted. The Harford County Health Department extends its approval of this plan. The site will be serviced by public water and sewer. The final plat must bear the Standard Owner's Statement and the Master Plan Conformance Statement. A sediment control plan and a grading permit will be required for the development of this site. Sediment controls are to be designed to the specifications as set forth in the Maryland Standards for Erosion and Sediment Control, latest edition. Stormwater quantity management has been provided in the Regional Facility. � l�li'� . ��.4' if II�i��i:i`. I� . )I'it� �i.l ( 1!I(�•. : . . MY DIRECT PHONE NUMBER IS �41U) 638-`�103 220 SOUTH MAIN STFEFT BEL AIR, MARYLAND 21014 410.638.3000 • 410 8792000 • TTY 410,638,3086 • vdww harfordcountymd.gov THIS DOCUMENT IS AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATIVE FORMAT UPON REOUEST. PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL P11-009: Series 1 Prologis Park Edgewood — Lot 1 Page 2 of 3 Additional management must be provided for this site in accordance with the 2000 Design Manual. The stormwater management plan shall be approved prior to the issuance of a grading permit. A stormwater management permit is required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Maintenance of the regional stormwater management facilities are the responsibility of the lot owners and shall be stipulated in the association documents. Maintenance of the onsite facility is responsibility of the individual lot owner. The northerly entrance width shall be 25-feet with 25-foot curb radii. The roadway storm drain system shall be directed along the right-of-way to the cul-de-sac rather than across the lot. All pavement striping and traffic control signs shall conform to the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices and the State Highway Administration Supplement. Road plans shall be approved and a Public Works Agreement shall be executed prior to the issuance of a building permit for the proposed addition. The road shall be constructed in accordance with the Harford County 40-foot Wide Business District Road Standard. The Division of Water and Sewer extends its approval of this plan. The proposed sewer connection into the existing manhole at the rear of Lot 1 is not approved for this plan. A 15-foot wide drainage and utility easement shall be placed along the west side of the existing Gap Drive for the future water main construction. The west side of the entrance road shall not be landscaped. The developer is proposing to change the name of Gap Drive. The developer or consultant shall contact the Harford County Division of Emergency Operations to determine if the proposed name is acceptable. The final plat shall bear the following: 1. Addresses: shown on attached spread sheet; 2. Signature of all owners of record; and 3. All plat plan notes. Subject to the conditions as stated herein, preliminary approval is hereby granted and is valid until June 15, 2012. Request for an extension must be submitted in writing at least 60 days prior to the expiration of this approval. Final approval is contingent on the plan's compliance with all other State, County and Federal regulations. PRELIMINARY PLAN APPROVAL P11-009: Series 1 Prologis Park Edgewood - Lot 1 Page 3 of 3 The signed original of this letter, indicating concurrence by the ownerldeveloper with the conditions as stated herein, must be returned within sixty (60) calendar days of the date of this approval. � -- � . -� , � q � -- I " � �� I , � �i � ����- 2 - �L z - J 'ha P. ri l m, Chief Milton D. Davenpor�, Chief Date Site n and Building Permits Review Development Reoriew _�,. � _ .� °�_. I hereby accept the conditions � of this preliminary plan =` approval MDD: ELV/lac � ���� ���3�� �� l /Owner/Developer—Signature �Date l v / �,v� c¢ N( • ���c � � Owner/Developer — Clearly Print Name ����� � �� � cc: P&Z; DPW; Health Dept.; SHA; P&R; Engineer; Owner