Full Title:
AN ACT to add new definition “Community Solar Energy Generating System (CSEGS)” to Section 267-4, Definitions, of Article I, General Provisions; to add new Subsection A(16) to Section 267-68, Approval; and to repeal and reenact, with amendments, Subsection D of Section 267-69, General design standards, both of Article VIII, Design Standards for Special Developments; to add new Section 267-85.2, Community Solar Energy Generating System (CSEGS), to Article VIII, Design Standards for Special Developments; and to repeal and reenact, with amendments, the Permitted Uses Chart (Transportation, Communication and Utilities), all of Part 1, Standards, of Chapter 267, Zoning, of the Harford County Code, as amended; to provide for a definition for Community Solar Energy Generating System (CSEGS) and to allow these uses as special developments requiring administrative approval; to allows CSEGS in all zoning districts except the Agricultural zoning district and to set forth the eligibility requirements and development standards with which CSEGS must comply; to set forth decommissioning provisions and financial assurances related to CSEGS; and generally related to zoning.